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Knives And Thumbs Dont Mix!

Mike Beck

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yesterday at work i was minding my own, chopping up turnipswhen one of the chefs makes a wierd sound, so i turn to look while still copping and suddenly a chunk of my left thumb was amoung the turnip squares with a littgle drip of blood, so i shout "F**K" and shove it straight in my mouth and looked at the lump of thumb on the board and realise its a pretty hefty chop :huh: and the whip my thumb out of my mouth and look straight into the bleeding flesh.......................

and now left with the pad which was in the bandage stuck to my wound :unsure: .................

cheers lewis

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lmao, i done summit like this, but when i was on dish wash, i was cleaning at massive chef knives, (yes the serated ones >_< ) and when i was drying it with the cloth, chef said, "watch you dont cut yourself" and as soon as he finished saying that.... zip...... the knife cut right through the cloth and right into my finger about 6mm into it :(>_<

Then chef just laughed and went, "told you so" and then helped me clean it n shit lol

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when i was taking the bandage was stuck to it and pulled it and that me goes all light headed.......

when i chopped it the head chef(stepdad) took me straight into the back room.....................never saw the end of me thumb again............

the pic doesn't do it justice!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

cheers lewis (Y)

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