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today i was thinking that if the grease in freewheels needs to be taken out...and wd40 takes out grease,then why not wd40 your freewheel :) (im so clever :rolleyes:^_^ )

but, some people say that wd 40 is bad for your freewheel, so should i do it?


p.s:i know im like a year behind with not knowing this :(

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I can't see wd40 getting rid of grease. :ermm:

Best thing to do is open it out and scrub is with some sort of soapy stuff. I used fairly liquid. :rolleyes:

Wd40 will still leave you freewheel innards with some sort of lubericaion, which isn't good for the freewheel unless it's very light.

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I can't see wd40 getting rid of grease. :ermm:

Best thing to do is open it out and scrub is with some sort of soapy stuff. I used fairly liquid. :rolleyes:

Wd40 will still leave you freewheel innards with some sort of lubericaion, which isn't good for the freewheel unless it's very light.

I second that! Go for it dude

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woah...wait a second..

your freewheel needs lubrication...personally...i use an eno.

Nice chunky grease on the bearings...seal back on...then..bike spray/wkd (wd40) on the springs + pawls.

you don't want to be running dry...things rust etc like that. not pretty.


I washed my eno out a few months after i got it as the pawls were caked in grease. And didn't use any form of lube after i finshed. I had no troubles for ages, and recnently replaced the pawles, so they lasted a good year. Things are constantly moving inside anyway, so rust isn't likely. The more lube you have on th pawls the more chances it has to skip.

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onzaboymark gave me the best tips for servicing a freewheel.......

take it apart, remove pawls and springs, use kitchen towel/rag/cotton wool.......anything that will soak up excess grease/oil

clean the pawls and springs also, replace them in order (if an ENO remember short pawl, long pawl, short pawl, long pawl and so on)

"Crop spray" with GT85, by that i mean 6-8 inches away, spray a coating over the freewheels innards.

Dont use WD40, as i find it picks up ALOT of dirt inside ur freehweel and becomes extremely thick. I used WD40 4 weeks ago and already the freewheel is quiet and skips quite alot.......

dont over grease, but dont leave it dry

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the more lube you have...the less likely it is to slip more like (Y)

talking oil here...not grease.


The reason a freewheel skips is becuase the pawles are just on the edge of the teeth when you pedal click, so the more lube you have in there the more likely it is to slip back.

But so long as you get the think gunck out i don't think it makes a different either way.

Edited by JT!
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