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mr kenny

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hey i need input people

fraser and danny from scotland have signed up, all us like timmy mike kev james matt?and the rest

waynio and crew(flash luvvatt bucky)

stan chris

cap rossi


it's gonna be mammoth

iv'e got 29th jan

5th feb

or 12th feb

what you think


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kenny if you let me know the date and stff that is finalised i will make a trip with people up there.


il be able to take 3/4 people with me :)(Y) make a good do of it. il have a word with ben savage about it too. he may turn up aswell. shall be a blast................

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wooo wooo kida's!!!!

sounds awesome im definatly up for this shizzle.

newcastle looked amazing when i was at college there so i cant wait now.

hopefully see plenty of people there. ill be bringing lovatt and probably max, sam or one of the other young up coming mentalists who i ride with..

see you x

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yeah count me in guys... if my bikes still working by then.. by mech is still being held together with a zip tie!

hope you all had a grand christmas

haha never knew you were from nucasal mike! aa weeyyy. jordie racer n all that

Edited by mafu26
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Why bother lol, the riding sucks in newcastle, unless im unaware of spots lol, you either get told off or chased lol

What you mean chased?

If theres gonna be lots of us, then there shouldnt be any chavs to get in our way :P

I might come along if tom rigg n KBT are comin....

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hey man. yes i'll be there.

should be about 10 of us if all the lads decide they want to come. and im sure they will. only takes us 10 mins to get to centre of newcastle.

plenty of good places to ride aswell. we shouldnt get moved too often either.

we can ride the uni/college, the quayside, bewick courts, skatepark, pig and whistle, next to this church( a bit dis-respectable but fun)

there are so many places to ride, i remember when gilles coustellier rose with us. he found some new lines!

Edited by Trials Dave
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