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What Things Wind You Up About Trials


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when your body is tired and you said to someone

"my body is killing me" and they say "why do trials then!?"

wtf!?!?!?!? trials bikeing is the best thing on the street!

and then one of your mates think they are better than you

because your a beginner(iam talking about me) because

they can do crappy wheelies further than you and stupid

bunnyhops higher than you. and then they say "iam better

than you i will get better than you in a week" wtf?????????

and they end up getting a bike better than you (N)

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Being told to 'Go and find a mountain' in skate parks... or random bmx'ers in passing cars shouting odly enough 'Get a BMX'.

People having small/no seats on their bikes... Ive tried it, couldnt stand it.

Strange designed frames.

The politics behind Trials. Seems people sometimes forget why we ride.


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i cant stand, people mainley chavs,askin whare my seat is, and tellin me my bike is sh**te because it hasn't got suspension........but just occasionly you get the odd one that says that your bike is

"sick,ye sick man,safe blood"as they say.........lmfao

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  Ali C said:

I HATE hate hate HATe haTE hate HATE being kicked off places, I hate it so much that I wont ride anywhere where I know I will get kicked off, it just makes me feel really bad.

its funny though. i guess it is annoying when all they can see is someone wrecking somting and you try to explaine its a fun sport and they dont listen.

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At the moment, my bike.

Cracked T-Pro, got a Zip.

Can't build the Zip yet becaus of stupid (T-Bird) 18t 24t gearing (Monty 210 Cranks, ACS)

Bought new cranks, fixed cog, (I think) I've stripped the threads in my hub.

Only good thing so far is buying all the new parts (Echo Easy's also)

But yeah, people taking the piss is funny/annoying. :sleeping:

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I was up on a 3ft wall and dropped off as an old dear came round the corner. She came over and i thought, here we go, same old moan.

Anyway, she comes over and catches me unaware by saying, the drop was ok but i bet you cant get up there!! She wouldnt leave till i had got back up the wall, and she went away laughing her head off :huh:

Some oldies are ok lol

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Hi guys i only have a few. Well my first one has to be old women, the reason being is when i am in my local town centre and i do a gap to a flower bed or something they come across shouting "them flower beds are not made for you to be bouncing ur bike around on, because we pay council tax on them " LMAO. The second one has to be CHAVS, well we see them walking round the town centre in there nike air shocks and there full lacoste tracksuits and burberry hats, thinking there all solid we get the odd few trying take are bikes off us but when we ride there is about 20 of us and some are like 17-18 so they dont really stand a chance. And last but not least my bike allways breaking, what allways happens with me is ive just got my bike fixed and then a week later i try something new and a bit bigger and my bike brakes, so then again i am out of riding. pissa in it.

Anyway keep the comments coming guys and gals. :P

Cheers !!!

Dan !!!

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