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The "where Are They Now?" Thread


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My god, one mention of the old people and all sorts start crawling from out of the wood work. Welshriders, phew long time no see. Hows that rachel slag of yours (ahem) at least I think it was rachel on the onza T-Bird.

I never have yet rode tenby, or anywhere round there. Guttin.

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what about that guy that was featured in M.B.U.K on a blue pashley with really dodgy brakes :ermm: i thought he was amazing :P that must've been in 1999-200-ish, he did a "big" drop onto a beach and everyone thought it was amazing :o i remember he was wearing cream trousers and a blue T-shirt with a white pisspot helmet....how random :S

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Ha! I wrote that article on Wayne Reynolds many years ago.

He's from Claxton in Norfolk, not Clacton Essex. Its proper farmer land, in the middle of no where.

I used to ride with him all the time, and he always had the shittest bike you could ever imagine. GT Arrowhead with HS11 brakes and brown cassette and chain that had snapped about 7 times- yet he was so smooth and skilled. Then he had the worst set up Pashley ever known to man which he rode in the article, followed by a £199 onza T-Bird before he got a short lived "sponsorship" deal with Echo. I think all the shitty bikes was down to the fact that he didnt have a job for about 4 years :S If he ever got a proper bike he could have been amazing.

He kept drifting in and out of riding and I eventually lost contact with him about 3-4 years ago. No body has seen him since :(

P.s- high five to anyone who remembered Bashguard.com! That was mine and Frickers site. Happy days, I used to love running that site. Even more respect if you can remember one of my original sites- davetrials.ismad.com

davetrials off here now has my old email address I think?!

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Hello everyone!

Nice to see folk remember me.

I have just got back from my round world trip this morning, quite glad i didn't sell my bike because i'm itching to go riding again.

Hopefully i'll still be able to ride, havent ridden in over a year but no matter it'll be fun learning moves again.

I'll no doubt see some of you on rides in the future.


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Ha! I wrote that article on Wayne Reynolds many years ago.

He's from Claxton in Norfolk, not Clacton Essex. Its proper farmer land, in the middle of no where.

I used to ride with him all the time, and he always had the shittest bike you could ever imagine. GT Arrowhead with HS11 brakes and brown cassette and chain that had snapped about 7 times- yet he was so smooth and skilled. Then he had the worst set up Pashley ever known to man which he rode in the article, followed by a £199 onza T-Bird before he got a short lived "sponsorship" deal with Echo. I think all the shitty bikes was down to the fact that he didnt have a job for about 4 years :S If he ever got a proper bike he could have been amazing.

He kept drifting in and out of riding and I eventually lost contact with him about 3-4 years ago. No body has seen him since :(

P.s- high five to anyone who remembered Bashguard.com! That was mine and Frickers site. Happy days, I used to love running that site. Even more respect if you can remember one of my original sites- davetrials.ismad.com

davetrials off here now has my old email address I think?!

lmao lol i do still got the odd badhgaurd.com congratualtory(spelling lo but drunk), email

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  • 3 years later...

Anyone heard anything from Neil Dunn, Sameer or Rich Coward? Also, anyone know what happened to Alexx? I never really spoke to him that much but he seemed nice enough.

Just found this too. Big smile, but it made me feel ollllld. Speaking of which, what happened to Fletcher Gillett?

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