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Mp3 Download Site's.


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Just wondering if any of you lot would recommend a MP3 music site/store. I know you can use stuff like "Napster", but you have to payper song.

Is the any sites where you pay a monthly subscription and can download as much as you want??

Tar very mooch


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Ive used http://www.allofmp3.com quite a bit. Its russian and costs about $1 an album. shitloads of albums on there too. Not totally legal in the uk but more legal than file sharing..

If you want to be able to download a certain amount of gigs of albums per day look into newsgroups. Im paying $15 a month for being able to download 5 gigs a day. Theres about I guess 300 new albums posted daily, plus films, dvds, apps... etc etc. http://www.newzbin.com for a list of stuff, gets updated all the time.

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If you want to be able to download a certain amount of gigs of albums per day look into newsgroups. Im paying $15 a month for being able to download 5 gigs a day. Theres about I guess 300 new albums posted daily, plus films, dvds, apps... etc etc. http://www.newzbin.com for a list of stuff, gets updated all the time.

Thats what i use, max speeds all the time, well worth it.

What newsgroups are you signed up for? I only pay the £1 a month newzbin fee at the moment and i cant download half the stuff i find in searches.

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Thats what i use, max speeds all the time, well worth it.

What newsgroups are you signed up for? I only pay the £1 a month newzbin fee at the moment and i cant download half the stuff i find in searches.

I've signed up to newzbin to get the nzb files... also newsgroupdirect.com for access to the servers, lets me download everything listed on newzbin (at 900kbps :)). You using your ISP newsgroup servers or something? That might be why not everything is available, it all works for me :)

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I've signed up to newzbin to get the nzb files... also newsgroupdirect.com for access to the servers, lets me download everything listed on newzbin (at 900kbps :D). You using your ISP newsgroup servers or something? That might be why not everything is available, it all works for me :)

Yeah i am using my isp at the mo :)

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Ok I just signed up for that "Newzbin"

Just wondering if someone could give me a quick outline on, how much it cost for download or what ever, basically how i'm gunna get charged etc...


Newzbin costs £1 a month, its not a contract or anything, you just pay for however much time you want on the site at any time (minimum of 4 weeks though). You can pay by paypal, etc etc. just click 'top up' on the site

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Newzbin costs £1 a month, its not a contract or anything, you just pay for however much time you want on the site at any time (minimum of 4 weeks though). You can pay by paypal, etc etc. just click 'top up' on the site

Ok got that but i can't seem to download anything

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  • 3 weeks later...

Ok, newzbin only lets you download NZB files to make it easier to download stuff... you dont really need an account there to download stuff off newsgroups, it just makes things MUCH simpler.

You need a news group provider once you have an account on newzbin. Your ISP might provide access to newgroups for free (like noz is doing) but they might not provide access to every news group there is. so instead you can use a specialist newsgroup provider which will let you download anything -

Im using newsgroupdirect.com

$16/month = 5gb per day (the one i have)

$13/month = 3gb per day

$9/month = 1gb per day

Ok. so now you have access to newsgroups, and you have access to the NZB files to download the stuff from the newsgroups. Now you need to download newsleecher (google it) which will actually do the downloading for you - you will get a 15 day free trial. (download a full version using it once its all set up ;))

Soooooooo once you have acess to newgroups (newsgroup direct) and newsleecher installed and set up, you just click on a link on newzbin, newsleecher will open up and start downloading for you.

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Blimey, I think I got this sorted, not easy though :S

Anyway, I've signed up for newsgroupdirect (£5.25 ~ $9) and newzbins (96p for 8 weeks). So I've searched and found something to download. But there are some things I'm looking for that are not on newzbins, so are there any other sites that search other places? Like for example if I can't find something on the pirate bay, I'll look on mininova or ISOhunt. Basically if I'm paying ~£6 a month I want it to be awsome, is there something I'm missing?

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Blimey, I think I got this sorted, not easy though :S

Anyway, I've signed up for newsgroupdirect (£5.25 ~ $9) and newzbins (96p for 8 weeks). So I've searched and found something to download. But there are some things I'm looking for that are not on newzbins, so are there any other sites that search other places? Like for example if I can't find something on the pirate bay, I'll look on mininova or ISOhunt. Basically if I'm paying ~£6 a month I want it to be awsome, is there something I'm missing?

Theres only 70 days (max) 'retention' on usenet usually... IE if someone uploads a file, the news hosts will only host it for 70 days before it gets deleted. So its only really good for new stuff, although people do re-post old stuff too.

I only ever get new movies apps and albums anyway.. and manage to do the daily 5gb limit in about 2 or 3 hours at uni (while i'm at lectures) so its worth it for me :)

What are you looking for anyway?

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What are you looking for anyway?

Well I wanted to try Aperture (Apple photo processing app), see if I liked that. There are a few versions floating around on the torrent sites, one is 30Mb or so with a crack. However, the only version on newzbin is the full 2.6 Gb .dmg (equivalent of .iso). Apparently the other 2.57Gb is just media and the app itself is only 30Mb :blink:

But the torrent sites don't seem to be working. However, the 2.6Gb dmg is downloading at a steady 200kbps, so it shouldn't take too long :)

The other thing I need is a Mac version of newsleacher - At the moment I'm using Unison which seems nice, but it's a 15 day trial, and I can't find the full version on newzbin.

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