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Electronics At Uni?......


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Im currently doing my AS levels (Maths mechanics, DT, Physics) and I also do Electronics. I really enjoy electronics and were really lucky at my school because theres only around a 1000 students which do it at AS , in the uk, as its very specialized...Ive got a really good teacher and great facilities (Digital osciliscopes etc) I was always thinking of doing some sort of engineering at uni but now im thinking of going into electronics as I enjoy it and im also intrested in computers/networking (Doing a Cisco CCNA1 course) So I was just wondering who does electronics at uni and what its like? Where do you go etc...



Edited by David
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Bristol - Rowan Johns MEng .... Upper Second Class muhahahahahahaaaaa

Its a piece of piss. I basically did zero work for the last three years, failed an exam in my final year and still came out with a 2:1 from a pretty well respected uni. plus, coming from a state school they offered me 3 C's to go there to do the bachelors, and just let me on the masters in the "interview" where The Prof just kept bangin on about golf.

The course was pretty booring to be honest - you get a massively diverse range of stuff on it which means you know a little about everything (alot from the dark ages). but there were some highlights and some really interesting projects. Plus going to uni is just fun. period.

Id say. in hindsight (spells?). Pick somewhere nice to live and have fun - do enogh work to get it done, and pick something you are fairly interested in to do - dont worry too much about it. Its not that important. it doesnt set your life in stone from the moment you accept a course offer.


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I did multimedia technology and design, at the University of Kent at Canterbury. It was done in the Electronics dept. and had some of the electronics modules.

I love electronics, you can't stop me from breaking my soldering iron out and attempting to fix something that someone is throwing away (I have a 17" TFT and a 28" TV thanks to that (Y)). However, I found the electronics modules AWFUL.

Looking back on it, they probably weren't as bad as I think, but I distinctly remember sitting in these lectures being bored out of my SKULL. The feeling from everyone else on the course was more than mutual.

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What kind of job are you thinking of going into?

I was thinking engineering in the new year but I really dont know - could do anything mathy I guess....

haha go to london and get into finance is the mega bucks option.

but for now im happy with postie (Y)

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