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If they've got water in: yes.

If they've got oil in: It'd have to be *ridiculously* cold.

If they've got water with anti-freeze in: Unlikely.

So yeah, if you're running water, you can either hope to get away with it, or put some antifreeze in it. If it does freeze it's not the end of the world. The water will expand and push the pads/lever out a little. Simple.

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oil wont freeze - water mite

they will only freeze if they are left out in the cold - ie a garage or out-house

if you keep your bike inside there is no problem, and they wont freeze whilst you are riding unless you live in the north/south pole

you can use 50/50 water anti freeze if you can be bothered, or boil the water and add a pinch of salt which will lower the temperature at which the water will freeze

i use water - never had any problems and i was out riding in the recent snow and ice.

trust (Y)

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Do you mean you re-bled it after it froze?

I think what he means Mark, he allowed it to un-freeze then reblead it. If im not mistaken if you just leave your brake to thaw once its froze it goes all spongey and doesnt function properly as opposed to when it didn't freeze.

Edited by Mr_Pitbull
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