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Shaun Smith...

joe b

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Hello, one of my friends is dealing with some one selling a BT Raven. He has sent the money to him for some tyres, he told him he had recieved the money and insisted that he has sent the tyres. This was 2 weeks ago :) and he hasnt been online (MSN) since.

Now this may all be a coincidence. I'm not saying that this geeza is a crook! Just want to know if anyone knows him or has dealt with him before. :P



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Don't no the lad so can't comment but it is christmas time and royal mail will be bogged down with all thease xmas cards so i suppose it is alot easyer to loose things ?

Does sound fishey about him not being on MSN but ive done deals with people and they have been on MSN loads then stoped for mounths on end the one day randomly singed in again?!? Could just be that


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i had a troublesome time with him. that bt raven he sold to someone else up the top of the thread he told me was 3 months old, turned out to be at least a year. apparentley some of the other components had taken a beating too and he told me they were mint. (Y)

aslong as this is the guy im thinking of. clearcoated raven. recentley had a moped accindent.

Edited by mat hudson
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I'd say he's a straight lad (Y) I've bought a CK wheel off him but it's got lost in the post that was 3 weeks ago now and Shaun has been really helpful and is now trying to sort out the insurance to get my money back.

He's got good reasons for not paying Wally! Like pads falling apart on him

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i used to ride with shaun alot, in his defence hes not a scammer, but hes not exactly organised.....

i shall talk to him on msn tonight-show him this topic (Y)

as for the rimjam pads-it was something to do with the pads wearing down in 1 ride, falling apart and all that stuff-and from what i gathered-wally didnt replace the buggered pads....i may of totally got that wrong though......

anywho, ill give him a slap from you guys (Y)

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i used to ride with shaun alot, in his defence hes not a scammer, but hes not exactly organised.....

i shall talk to him on msn tonight-show him this topic :ermm:

as for the rimjam pads-it was something to do with the pads wearing down in 1 ride, falling apart and all that stuff-and from what i gathered-wally didnt replace the buggered pads....i may of totally got that wrong though......

anywho, ill give him a slap from you guys :ermm:

yeah mate it is true about the pads wearing down etc i spoke to shaun about them and he was really disapointed etc, with the backing snapping he was hurting himself when this happend etc.

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