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I'm not actually a new member but had to register a new account, I forgot my password, tried to use password recovery, which didn't work and have since tried to email but received no reply.


I'm hoping you the webmaster of this forum will see this message and can help me get my old account ("Robregan" Email "Robregan@btinternet.com") back and remove this new one I have opened. Sorry for my methods but I couldn't think what else to do.


If anyone remembers or will look at this post, I used to make videos for Fluid23 (There are more coming in the next few weeks, actually) but lost them all a while back, does anyone have a copy of the video entitled "Sometimes" with a rap track over it, I've wanted to get it back for a while and haven't been able to. If someone has it and can email it to me I would be most appreciative.


Rob Regan.

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