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Being Ill Sucks

Rich J

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Im off school at the moment because im ill with some bug thats going around. i cant think of anything to when im ill because i cant go out and ride because i will end up throwing up everywhere! What do the rest of you find to do when your ill?

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That happened to me a few weeks ago, there is only one solution. Stay in bed for as long as you can then get up, go into your lounge (remember to take the majority of your bed with you) and watch bravo, especially The World's Amazing Videos. After a few days of crappy tv you'll feel like you'll be able to run a half marathon.

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  deanie-b said:

shit, that sucks dude, I suggest what that dude up there ^^ said bout sleeping into the night (Y)

Yes as i said earlier just stay up really late and then sleep well into the day and then thts half the day gone and all the crappy day time tv aswell.

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