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What Are Your Veiws?


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ok i saw it in a movie and one or two people i know do it.

what are your veiws on riding memorial benches/walls/statues?? stuff like that

would you do it and what do you think??

i personally wouldnt as a mrk of respect.

Edited by Synergy
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Riding on war memorials and so on's just a bit out of order, really. I know a lot of people don't give a shit these days, but - for example - WWI and WWII were pretty big deals, and a lot of people died for us, so I don't see why people can't just not ride on something dedicated to their memory?

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Some of the gaps in graveyards look ace. Not a chance i would though.

Ive riden on benches then after seen its in memory of someone i would then stop riding it but its nothing to loose sleep over.

It just annoys me when people dnt want us riding on rocks walls and rails etc

Do they not realise these lads aint damaging it and we would get alot more enjoyment out of it than there eyes would looking at it.

But totally agreed anything that means sommet e.g memorial is a no go :P

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