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Ask A 23 Year Old American Anything


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It's just that there seems to be a lot of bitterness surrounding the selections, for example in the thread where a pro posted up his new mongoose and everyone started slating it for not being a trials bike.

That was just Aaron Chase posting up a pic of his DB, wasn't it? Some people said "Mmm, nice." Some people said "mmm, not so nice." Standard bike pics thread?

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My bad if its posted somewhere... What music did you use on the andrewtvincenthtwo.mpg? [tracklisting would be lush]

What are the electrical Regs like over the pond. Part P has just been passed here meaning its illegal to do any electrical work on your house / anyone elses unless you are a qualified spark.

Would I be right assuming that Moment has some Uk importers? Your designs look spot on!

How tall is hermance? Did he drink wine or beer etc... When he was drunk in your vids... namely FTC6 :huh:


EDIT: Can I have a moment designs avatar/display pic!? >_<

To be fair will the regs are pretty much the same all over the world some have slight changes and additions, but the majority are the same.

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It's just that there seems to be a lot of bitterness surrounding the selections, for example in the thread where a pro posted up his new mongoose and everyone started slating it for not being a trials bike.

selections?? No americans care about competing, they pretty much all suck. The person who put that up is an expert level rider, old school...not aaron chase but the man who makes match videozines.

why are there so many american porn sites about shagging your sister?

ive had a bbg threesome (as we call them in the trade), it was groovy

I've never seen any about f**king your sister, sounds pretty gross.

That was just Aaron Chase posting up a pic of his DB, wasn't it? Some people said "Mmm, nice." Some people said "mmm, not so nice." Standard bike pics thread?

yeah it was standard imo.

How the f**k do I get 3 A's at A-Level and get an A at GCSE Maths, when I've finished my Maths already.

For the course I want to do at Uni :huh:

no clue what those are, but like anything just keep at it and study.

Bit random (but so is every other question in this thread) but was it yours or Vince's idea for him to start coming to Colorado every year? Did you email/ring him or something or did he get in touch with you?

Do you learn a lot off him when he visits (trials wise)?

it was graham wilhelms idea, factionbike owner...e-mailed him. I learn not much from him because he is way too good >_<

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Do you know who Amelia Cooke is?

Do you watch Lost? What do you think of it? (We only on episode 17 of season 1, so don't ruin anything for me if you do ;))

Have you heard of a TV program called "John Doe"?

I did have lots more questions, but i'll be f**ked if i can remember them. :huh:

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How many hamburger can you eat in one go?

And how big (weight) can you get burgers a McDonalds?

Have you ever been to Hermance's house? Where in france does he live?

Have you ever seen his willy :huh: ?

Hamburgers??? What the f**k? Depends what kind....a real hamburger?? Not even one. Some faggot mcdonalds shit?? Probalby 10 easy.

how big? I never eat at mcdonalds, place is f**kin GROSS.

no never in france, he is too pussywhipped to hang out with americans when we are in france...he lives an hour outside of buthiers or something.

no never seen his dick, but i imagine it to be OK - i've seen him in tight boxer-breifs.

Do you know who Amelia Cooke is?

Do you watch Lost? What do you think of it? (We only on episode 17 of season 1, so don't ruin anything for me if you do B))

Have you heard of a TV program called "John Doe"?

I did have lots more questions, but i'll be f**ked if i can remember them. ;)

no clue who amelia cooe is.

I've never watched lost, like I said I don't watch much tv....tv and mcdonalds = fat american. f**k all that shit.

never heard of john doe.

remember them :)

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This topic is quality! I'll try and think of some new ones...

Which illegal drugs have you taken and which was the best?

Where you a jock or a nerd at school?

Whats your biggest regret in life?

If you had one wish, what would it be?

How old where you when you lost your virginity and how old was she?

If you had to give up BJ's or trials for a year which would you give up?

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This topic is quality! I'll try and think of some new ones...

Which illegal drugs have you taken and which was the best?

Where you a jock or a nerd at school?

Whats your biggest regret in life?

If you had one wish, what would it be?

How old where you when you lost your virginity and how old was she?

If you had to give up BJ's or trials for a year which would you give up?

Just pot, I have no intentions of trying anything else because I become addicted to substances way too easily.

I was probably more of a nerd, but I could go inbetween whatever group I wanted to...kind of didn't belong to any groups, but wasn't out of place in any groups. Pretty normal.

mmmm regrets...I'll probably have alot later, but nothing too much right now. Maybe starting trials way earlier (like at 12 instead of 18)

one wish...get alot of money to get my masters degree in san francisco and become successful beyond my wildest dreams (Y)

we were both the same age, 15.

i'd give up trials. i'm assuming bjs includes all things sexual?

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Just pot, I have no intentions of trying anything else because I become addicted to substances way too easily.

I was probably more of a nerd, but I could go inbetween whatever group I wanted to...kind of didn't belong to any groups, but wasn't out of place in any groups. Pretty normal.

mmmm regrets...I'll probably have alot later, but nothing too much right now. Maybe starting trials way earlier (like at 12 instead of 18)

one wish...get alot of money to get my masters degree in san francisco and become successful beyond my wildest dreams (Y)

we were both the same age, 15.

i'd give up trials. i'm assuming bjs includes all things sexual?

BJ's is just to get head so I assume you can still do all the other things....

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BJ's is just to get head so I assume you can still do all the other things....

yeah, i like blowjobs though....can i still pull out and shoot in the mouth or is it all things with the mouth?

Can you explain why England are ranked 2nd in the world for the world cup?

no clue, i don't watch any sports...and certainly not world cup stuff.

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Whats the best biketrials video you've ever seen?

Who is the tallest person on the Koxx team and how tall are they?

Who is the shortest person on the koxx team and how short are they?

Who would win in a fight between Jeff Lenosky and Thomas Remvik Aarsen?

Do you think the Columbine (sp) high school shootings gave America (and its youth in particular) a bad reputation?

Whats the most scared you've ever been?

Have you downloaded SWTC Volume 2 yet?

If yes - what did you think of it?

If no - why not? :P

Cheers Andy, apart from the minor drug fixation this topic has revelaed you seem like a pretty cool guy. (Y)


Edited by karsonlevoret
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Whats the best biketrials video you've ever seen?

Who is the tallest person on the Koxx team and how tall are they?

Who is the shortest person on the koxx team and how short are they?

Who would win in a fight between Jeff Lenosky and Thomas Remvik Aarsen?

Do you think the Columbine (sp) high school shootings gave America (and its youth in particular) a bad reputation?

Whats the most scared you've ever been?

Have you downloaded SWTC Volume 2 yet?

If yes - what did you think of it?

If no - why not? :P

Cheers Andy, apart from the minor drug fixation this topic has revelaed you seem like a pretty cool guy. (Y)


best biketrials vid....f**k....full length vid?? have to be jeff lenoskys "keepin it real" from '98 or '97...after that probably revolution or evolve. Internet vid?? Trialskings...

tallest person is vinco (bruno was huge too)...hes like 6'6??

shortest is caisso, hes f**king short. 5'6 maybe?

jeff would crush TRA. Jeff is easily 40 pounds heavier and 4 inches taller...he is also from new jersey and doesn't f**k around. bit of trivia- I broke out my 2 front teeth while staying in jeffs hotel room (aaron chase, chris clark and others were in the room too). good times.

No, I don't think columbine did anything for american youths unless the youths went to that school....the media sensationalizes stuff though so who knows.

most scared?? I don't know, haven't been scared in a while...uhm...some rollercoasters are pretty scary? I'm going to be moving soon and I'll probably be a little scared in the beginning to start all over again in a new place. When I was 18 I moved 20+ hours away from my parents, and I didn't know anyone at all where I moved so it was kind of scary.

I don't know what SWTC is :( ???

thanks, keep asking questions ;P

Delta Force or SAS????

delta force because chuck norris is in the movie.

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best biketrials vid....f**k....full length vid?? have to be jeff lenoskys "keepin it real" from '98 or '97...after that probably revolution or evolve. Internet vid?? Trialskings...

tallest person is vinco (bruno was huge too)...hes like 6'6??

shortest is caisso, hes f**king short. 5'6 maybe?

jeff would crush TRA. Jeff is easily 40 pounds heavier and 4 inches taller...he is also from new jersey and doesn't f**k around. bit of trivia- I broke out my 2 front teeth while staying in jeffs hotel room (aaron chase, chris clark and others were in the room too). good times.

No, I don't think columbine did anything for american youths unless the youths went to that school....the media sensationalizes stuff though so who knows.

most scared?? I don't know, haven't been scared in a while...uhm...some rollercoasters are pretty scary? I'm going to be moving soon and I'll probably be a little scared in the beginning to start all over again in a new place. When I was 18 I moved 20+ hours away from my parents, and I didn't know anyone at all where I moved so it was kind of scary.

I don't know what SWTC is :( ???

thanks, keep asking questions ;P

delta force because chuck norris is in the movie.

The movie was great, but the SAS is better!

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jeff would crush TRA. Jeff is easily 40 pounds heavier and 4 inches taller...he is also from new jersey and doesn't f**k around. bit of trivia- I broke out my 2 front teeth while staying in jeffs hotel room (aaron chase, chris clark and others were in the room too). good times.

I don't know what SWTC is :( ???

delta force because chuck norris is in the movie.

Lol, I'd just had an evening watching Jeffs sections from the NWD series and a few of the Koxx days vids and the idea of those two fighting made me chuckle.

SWTC stands for South West Trials Crew, a group of riders (myself being a founding member) from the south west of england that produce a video series similar to the FTC series (although not as good[perhaps...]). Volume 2 is big full length (40 minutes) video me and Alex Pavlou (another swtc rider) made over the last year with footage from the south west and events all across the country. There is currently a topic in sites vids and pics which appears to have done rather well and I was just wondering... :)

The film delta force is the film that inspired me to learn to ride a bike, because I wanted one of the motorbikes with rocket launchers on the side. Thats my bit of trivia for the day.....


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Lol, I'd just had an evening watching Jeffs sections from the NWD series and a few of the Koxx days vids and the idea of those two fighting made me chuckle.

SWTC stands for South West Trials Crew, a group of riders (myself being a founding member) from the south west of england that produce a video series similar to the FTC series (although not as good[perhaps...]). Volume 2 is big full length (40 minutes) video me and Alex Pavlou (another swtc rider) made over the last year with footage from the south west and events all across the country. There is currently a topic in sites vids and pics which appears to have done rather well and I was just wondering... :)

The film delta force is the film that inspired me to learn to ride a bike, because I wanted one of the motorbikes with rocket launchers on the side. Thats my bit of trivia for the day.....


Cant forget the machine guns aswell!

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The film delta force is the film that inspired me to learn to ride a bike, because I wanted one of the motorbikes with rocket launchers on the side. Thats my bit of trivia for the day.....

Have a word with Clive. Could probably braze on some SAM mounts?

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