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Ask A 23 Year Old American Anything


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The people are both from The OC TV Show..

Rachel Bilson and Mischa Barton

So yea which one?

You had a Neo-Geo?? Sweet! Hardly anybody seems to have heard about it let alone owned one..

My Neo-Geo Stuff: Click

i can't see the second picture, but the first one is hot as f**k.

neo geo rocked...i also had a 3d0, remember that?

How did you know how many fingers I was holding up ?

cause i'm a hustler baby.

If I went to a different school earlier on in life I would most certainly be dealing drugs right now/incarcerated. I was born in Los Angeles, my brothers grew up there (they are 20+ years older than I am). I would def. be a gang member of some sort.

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can i ask a few if not answer which ever you want.........

do you know how much George W has screwed your economy since he took over from clinton?

Why not vote for a president who would actually introduce full medicare systems (or similar)?

Is tomato ketchup still classed as a vegeable, since now "freedom Fries" are?

is it really true some states refuse to call them french fries because of the french refusal to go into an illegal pointless war?

Will hillary clinton be your next president?

Who shot JFK?

currently what state of alert is USA?

Do u get the feelin im anti your inept president?

hope i dont offend u with any of these

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One of them, when I was 18...it is small and I can cover it up :closedeyes:

I have been to england, when I was young. I have been to scotland, england, ireland, italy, france, and germany.

Yes there are, but they are only in the south of america where people talk funny.

I'd probably stay away, silver backs are very powerful creatures.

Of course (N)

Yes I drink guinness. I also drink boddingtons, newcastle, murphys irish red/stout, john courage and countless other beers from around the world.

Just in the simpsons :- We do have BUD which is basically the same thing...shitty stuff.

Yes? A sink?

I would appreciate it if you didn't because I probably sent that to you while I was drunk or under some sort of drugs :P

No I do not own a gun. I have shot animals with small guns, like squirrels. I have never shot anyone, nor have I ever met anyone who has shot someone. There really are no problems with guns in america unless you are selling drugs or something illegal...lots of people hunt for sports, but no one goes around with a gun trying to shoot folks.

Yeahh Newcastle brown only the best for us geordies!

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can i ask a few if not answer which ever you want.........

do you know how much George W has screwed your economy since he took over from clinton?

Why not vote for a president who would actually introduce full medicare systems (or similar)?

Is tomato ketchup still classed as a vegeable, since now "freedom Fries" are?

is it really true some states refuse to call them french fries because of the french refusal to go into an illegal pointless war?

Will hillary clinton be your next president?

Who shot JFK?

currently what state of alert is USA?

Do u get the feelin im anti your inept president?

hope i dont offend u with any of these

i hate george w.

full medicare system is too hard to think of, americans wouldn't have that big of a change

see above

its just sugar. I don't know what freedom fries are.

no of course not, i've never heard the word freedom fries ever used.

no, a woman will not be president for a long time.

jfk? I think it was lots of people.

no clue what the state of alert is.

I should hope you are anti my president, i don't know anyone in america who is pro bush. He has a 30% approval rating, that means 70% of americans hate him.

no offense taken.

good stuff is about 10 dollars over what we paid for it here but 1/4 for 20 dollars is pretty good got any pictures of it?


yeah give me an hour or so.

Yeahh Newcastle brown only the best for us geordies!

word out of the keg/tap its the best

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This is an evil thread :(

Why have you got a zoo bike when everything you post on forums seem very anti-deng?

What video camera do you use?

where do i post anti deng things?

canon optura 20

when you masturbate, do you ever put your fingers up your arse? (N)


cool :- :P

Im smoking marleys collie at the moment which id dedicated to bob marley damn tasty and organic :closedeyes:

fraid i've over stepped my bounds and can't be arsed at the moment to post pics if you know what i mean...too difficult.

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"quick , take down the blueprints , ping pong and the echo crew are coming to steal them" :P

just joshing.

Would it be gay if i, say, posted a picture of my cock on an internet trials forum?


no, you would be a standup character with balls.

also , do you own a bong?


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do you have 'pool parties'' over there apposed to house parties, does your house have a pool, what do you think of when you think of england? for example when i think of america i always think of big streets with huge houses and evrybody being friendly :P think that was inspired by desperate housewives

Edited by Gaz M
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What brake pads do you use ?

Are alot of trials part readily available in the us ?

Want to sponsor me with your new 'moment designs' ? :)

no trials parts are readily available in the us, you have to order it online. i use one koxx pad and one plaz pad from 3 years ago.

do you have 'pool parties'' over there apposed to house parties, does your house have a pool, what do you think of when you think of england? for example when i think of america i always think of big streets with huge houses and evrybody being friendly :P think that was inspired by desperate housewives

I don't have a pool. people have pool parties. people have house parties. What do I think of england?? I think its england :dunno: , nothing like how you guys think of america though..you are all so hilariously way off. I've been in the countryside and in different cities of england for certain periods of time, its all different.

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What kind of music do you like? From your videos it seems you have pretty varied (i.e. decent) taste. Does that follow for a lot of American peeps or do they have a retarded majority that listen to Pop-Music too?

What's your favourite film? Why?

Honestly, what kind of impression do you get from this forum of English kids? Are they more or less, umm, immature (couldn't think of a better word) as US teens? Just that from people I've met in the US (young and old) the general level of intelligence, or at least attitude and behaviour, seems to be higher?

Edit: Thought of another - when the London bombings occured what was the news coverage in the US like? Just that when 9/11 happened it was pretty much on our screens all day and I've heard of the 'tighter bubble' surrounding the US so I wanted to know if you saw much of 7/07 or was it not really big news in the US?

And the inevitable - who did you vote for, and why?

P.S. So are you riding much these days? Just that I remember you (or at least I think it was you) saying that you were gonna quit in favour of weight-training, did you do that and just make videos or did you just keep riding as well as the vids?

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Do you hear any bad stuff about Northern Ireland over there?

americans don't hear anything about any other countries at all....seriously, im not joking.

What kind of music do you like? From your videos it seems you have pretty varied (i.e. decent) taste. Does that follow for a lot of American peeps or do they have a retarded majority that listen to Pop-Music too?

What's your favourite film? Why?

Honestly, what kind of impression do you get from this forum of English kids? Are they more or less, umm, immature (couldn't think of a better word) as US teens? Just that from people I've met in the US (young and old) the general level of intelligence, or at least attitude and behaviour, seems to be higher?

Edit: Thought of another - when the London bombings occured what was the news coverage in the US like? Just that when 9/11 happened it was pretty much on our screens all day and I've heard of the 'tighter bubble' surrounding the US so I wanted to know if you saw much of 7/07 or was it not really big news in the US?

And the inevitable - who did you vote for, and why?

P.S. So are you riding much these days? Just that I remember you (or at least I think it was you) saying that you were gonna quit in favour of weight-training, did you do that and just make videos or did you just keep riding as well as the vids?

I'm open to any music. I've gone through lots of phases...anything thats good i'll listento - my creed is that I have to listen to a full album 8 times through to figure out if i like it or not. Most americans listen to complete shit.

film...like movie? My favorite directors are david lynch and stanley kubrik...blue velvet is a favorite, as is clockwork orange/2001/shining/barry lindon/strangelove anything from stanley. I also like alot of 80s movies, all john hughes movies for sure...the 80s are my favorite decade.

Not sure about the english thing...I don't realize that people on here are 11, 12, 13, 14, 15...most people i talk to are around 19-25 in that range. I haven't talked to many young teens in a while so I'm not sure how to answer that..haven't done enough studying on my own for a good answer.

I don't really watch the news that much...but it was everywhere, I don't remember it as well as september 11th of course. I remember my alarm went off and it was some girl on it instead of the normal music- she was talking all serious and I had no idea what she was talking about. At the time I didn't have any sort of TV or computer access at my house so I just took a shower and went to class, and no one was there. People everywhere were talking about stuff and I finally realized something happened. Your london bombings didn't have the same kind of impact over here.

I voted for Kerry because I didn't really want bush in there at all. It didn't matter because i live in a republican state.

I was riding alot from may through october, then I seriously injured my shoulder and I haven't been able ride properly since. I just recently got in the gym 2 days ago for the first time in a long while.

Are you regretting posting a thread where the kids keep asking (pretty much) the same questions?

Not at all (Y)

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