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Ask A 23 Year Old American Anything


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Where abouts in the US are you though? Different states/different parts of states can be massively different to others ...

Sounds pretty hill-billy from your description :P

I'm in florida and there is a mixture of people..I am not use to mixing with loads of different people and cultures though.

Lol some parts are hill billy yep :lol:

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Not gonna let this one slip, but I met an american football team here and they were all americans, the thing is they were all huge, but they were pussies, I played what we call "scrag" with them and they weren't any good. :S Pussied out of the smallest tackles. :blink:

Yeah, I was talking about professional footbal players. Everyones different, I don't think you would want to play any game with a bunch of 300+ pounds people who can rush really fast.

Is it getting darker in the evenings where you are.

Do you use the same swear words.

Do you still have the death penalty in your state.

Why does oklahoma have a law saying you can't pretend to shag a buffalo in a pub

It gets dark around 5 oclock at night..17:00

I use swear words??

death penalty? I don't think so. only texas and a few others i think.

I don't know anything about oklahoma.

Explain "J walking"?

Do you drive a F150 lightning?

Do you think the USA is a better place to live than the UK and why?

J walking has been talked about...its walked across the road when there isn't a cross walk. It is legal in my town.


Both have their advantages and disadvantages.

Yea but do u no anything bout the essex birds cos my friends thought u no all about it


How easy is it to get caught driving fast / "dangerously" e.g. If you drive everywhere a few mph over the speed limit, would you get pulled over.... hard to get my point across :S:rolleyes:

The feeling i got from your past replys, is that Impresaz are slow compared to the average car over there? or they are average speed. what is your cars 0-60mph time?

Do you drive fast?

Am i weird for spending the past god knows how long, reading all your replys to these questions? :turned::lol:


Dave :)

very easy to get caught in my town, LOTS of police. Up in the mountains there aren't alot of police :)

My cars 0-60 is in the low 5's.

I don't drive too fast, sometimes when I feel OK i'll double the speed limit on the highway (120-140 mph).

Nah thats ok, you could do worse whilst bored :)

Does everyone have really nice cars there?

How many guns do you see in a day?

Do you own a gun?

Do your parents own one? If so, what one?

Ever used it? Or thought about using it?

Have you ever been burgled or had your house broken into kinda thing?


Nick Carter

No no one has nice cars where I am, in a college town. maybe a few. Not sure what "nice" is either, I'm thinking 50,000+ like bmws , mercedes etc. Alot of people have decent 20-30,000 dollar cars though.

I haven't seen a gun in many years, you don't see them ever

My dad owns multiple guns, he grew up in the woods...357 magnum, a couple 22s, a few shotguns, I'm not sure. I've never shot any but the 22 (like a pellet gun) at squirrels.

Never had any house I've been at burgled:)

I'm in florida and there is a mixture of people..I am not use to mixing with loads of different people and cultures though.

Lol some parts are hill billy yep :lol:

Florida is probably the worst spot in american- i absolutely HATE florida. So disgusting.

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Yeah, I was talking about professional footbal players. Everyones different, I don't think you would want to play any game with a bunch of 300+ pounds people who can rush really fast.

They were all stupidly heavy, some of em must have been 18-20 stone (not sure what that is in pounds).

I'm not sure if they were proffesional, they were from a university or something, all I know is they were here and came to do a bit of rugby training, and weren't very good. :-

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Are you getting sick of people asking you questions by now and regreting posting up this thread?



They were all stupidly heavy, some of em must have been 18-20 stone (not sure what that is in pounds).

I'm not sure if they were proffesional, they were from a university or something, all I know is they were here and came to do a bit of rugby training, and weren't very good. :-

yeah 20 stone isn't that big. Real football players, the bigger ones get around 24 stone...I'm sure they weren't professional players, they all make multi millions of dollars a year and would never go anywhere to train rugby. Probably just some high school kids. 18 stones pretty normal.... different games, I'm sure if you guys came over here to play american football it would be the same deal...alot of people play rugby at the university, very different people than american football players. Different body types.

do you feel silly saying aluminium wrong?

do you feel silly saying aluminium wrong?

Edited by AndrewT
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yeah 20 stone isn't that big. Real football players, the bigger ones get around 24 stone...I'm sure they weren't professional players, they all make multi millions of dollars a year and would never go anywhere to train rugby. Probably just some high school kids. 18 stones pretty normal.... different games, I'm sure if you guys came over here to play american football it would be the same deal...alot of people play rugby at the university, very different people than american football players. Different body types.

Probably would be the same, it still strikes me as an incredibly brutal game, I can't believe you have no rules on protecting the man once you've initiated the tackle. :S

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Probably would be the same, it still strikes me as an incredibly brutal game, I can't believe you have no rules on protecting the man once you've initiated the tackle. :S

Yeah they are very different games, both are quite brutal. One 20 stone guy running as fast as he can, another 22 stone guy runs as fast as he can right into him. Boooooooooooom.

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Ok i really cant be bothered to look through all the questions so heres mine:

Simple question really.. would you say.. that every girl in america who isnt fat is very very hott? like you guys just seem to have a nack at breeding hott women.

Also.. whats the furthest you've driven

Also.. What were you doing when you found out about 9/11? and did everyone literally shit their pants (applies to both languages) when it happened?

Also.. In high school did you ever have like some retard walk in with a gun shouting about how he wanted to gun you all down? because.. from the news.. it sounds like you get them everyday

Also.. do you watch american dad? and find it stupidly funny?

Also... I know this for a fact but there is a small chance youve had one: Do you know what a jaffa cake is? if you do have you ever had one?

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Ok i really cant be bothered to look through all the questions so heres mine:

Simple question really.. would you say.. that every girl in america who isnt fat is very very hott? like you guys just seem to have a nack at breeding hott women.

Also.. whats the furthest you've driven

Also.. What were you doing when you found out about 9/11? and did everyone literally shit their pants (applies to both languages) when it happened?

Also.. In high school did you ever have like some retard walk in with a gun shouting about how he wanted to gun you all down? because.. from the news.. it sounds like you get them everyday

Also.. do you watch american dad? and find it stupidly funny?

Also... I know this for a fact but there is a small chance youve had one: Do you know what a jaffa cake is? if you do have you ever had one?

There are lots of ugly fat girls. THere are lots of ugly skinny girls. There are lots of hot skinny girls...lots of girls in general.

I have driven across the country, 5000+ miles.

911 i was going to class, didn't have a TV so I dind't know what was going on...people were going crazy though.

No, I think there has only been 2-3 school shootings in the last 20 years. There are hundreds of thousands of schools, those things never happen.

I love american dad..and family guy.

not sure what a jaffa cake is :(

How do you pronounce aluminium, read it above and didn't know how you say it


Why do you ride trials when you have amazing skateparks in the us?

Im guessing these amazing skateparks arent everywhere ^_^

my country is huge. Imagine one skate park in all of england. Thats how spread out they are basically.

Has you opinion on the intelligence and ignorance of the British changed since this thread?

kind of suprized by some of the ignorance, but I'm sure most of the people are very young...I hope. Some hilarious questions though.

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ooo ignorance was mentioned.. ok:

Can you draw the shape pretty accurately of the whole of america? just the shape with maybe a few cities for good measure?

Reason im asking is because in the paper it said how like 80% of americans dont even know what their country looks like on a map and in general are proper shit at geography. Like i could probably pretty much draw every continent pretty accurately.. and didnt even study geography up to gcse.

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Apparently only about 50% of American even own a Passport. They just don't feel the need to leave.

Anyway, question: Have you tasted English chocolate? What do you think of it compared to American crap chocolate?

P.S. You're missing out on the Jaffas cakes too!

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kind of suprized by some of the ignorance, but I'm sure most of the people are very young...I hope. Some hilarious questions though.

I always hated the way the Americans portrayed the British on television, everything was amazingly stereotypical.

But after reading through this topic, some people here are just as bad.

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I always hated the way the Americans portrayed the British on television, everything was amazingly stereotypical.

But after reading through this topic, some people here are just as bad.

Toddle Pip , Old Boy....

Anyone ever been to the states and noticed after about a week you sound more and more English? My accent seems to get stronger with every day i'm there.

Will you marry me so i can have a greed card?

Edited by Luke_londontrials.co.uk
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Will you post more pics of your misuss :- ......preety good catch sir (Y)


ooo ignorance was mentioned.. ok:

Can you draw the shape pretty accurately of the whole of america? just the shape with maybe a few cities for good measure?

Reason im asking is because in the paper it said how like 80% of americans dont even know what their country looks like on a map and in general are proper shit at geography. Like i could probably pretty much draw every continent pretty accurately.. and didnt even study geography up to gcse.

Yes I can draw america, I'm sure most people could (I hope).

Apparently only about 50% of American even own a Passport. They just don't feel the need to leave.

Anyway, question: Have you tasted English chocolate? What do you think of it compared to American crap chocolate?

P.S. You're missing out on the Jaffas cakes too!

Yeah i love english sweets. My best friend when i was 8-14 was from london, he brought them to me and I visited with him for a month back in the day...ate alot of shiiiiiiiiiit

I always hated the way the Americans portrayed the British on television, everything was amazingly stereotypical.

But after reading through this topic, some people here are just as bad.

basically, its just the people who actually believe things on TV that are bad :o

Toddle Pip , Old Boy....

Anyone ever been to the states and noticed after about a week you sound more and more English? My accent seems to get stronger with every day i'm there.

Will you marry me so i can have a greed card?

I'll marry you if you have a nice ass and know how to work my weiner :-:-

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  • 2 weeks later...

Sorry for the bump, but question, funnily enough.

What's your nearest airport?

there is one ~15 minutes away, it is very very small and only little planes go through it....then there is DIA- an international airport, which is HUGE...One of the biggest hubs in america, it is 45 minutes to an hour away- this is what I fly out of for everything.

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