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Racial Hypersensitivity

mat hudson

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lo :)

me and a few mates were having a chat about how the government in this contry is really too scared of being racist.. i am interested to see what you guys think about this subject.

please dont just leave racist comments. this thread isn't intended to be racist, just to discuss a topic.


Edited by mat hudson
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They have black radio stations...black music awards (mobos) and loads of other things. Why is it we dont have white equivalants? How come black people can get away with black stuff, but white can't get away with 'white' stuff. :) beats me. I think the government is too afraid to make things equal, as i think at this moment in time, black people have it better off. e.g. all the paki's around here file for racism if they get arrested :) oh it just does my head in.

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You mean like recently on the news a white man got killed by 3 coloured men and one witness said one of the men was laughing going "hahaha i killed a white man" but it wasnt deemed as a racial attack

where as if it was the other way round it would deffinatly be called a racial attack?

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I don't think its about being scared of being racist, i beleive its the history behind it all.

It's like that programme i watched last week with Asher D from So solid: why is it ok for a black person to call another black person a nigger, but not a white person? Slave labour was banished years ago, and the one word which people remember is nigger...

Everybody is racist in a way, you may not notice it, but we all are.

But then when we talk about other peoples ethnicity.....ok what was everyones initial thoughts when the London bombings... I'll be honest, I made a racial remark, could be because of social views, but i generally dont hate other races.

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its soo annoying, me and my mate were talking about racism walking down the street. then a coloured person was walking quite close to us, so we had to tone down our voice incase they thought we were being racist. we obviously weren't being racist but i guess they could have thought we were.

it pisses me off :@

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I think theres definately hypersensitivity, and imo it leads to more racism...

like i heard in schools the teachers arent allowed to say blackboard anymore? they have to say chalk board? im not sure if this is a rumour, but if it isnt its DAMN stupid, it makes it seem like its bad to be black or something? which is racism in itself.

Inside, we're all the damn same, no matter what colour. People always say that but nobody seems to understand it.

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its soo annoying, me and my mate were talking about racism walking down the street. then a coloured person was walking quite close to us, so we had to tone down our voice incase they thought we were being racist. we obviously weren't being racist but i guess they could have thought we were.

it pisses me off :@

Errr.. think you'll find that was you being racist.

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  mat hudson said:

how did you work that out?

Think about it.

If the guy walking past was white, would they have 'toned down'? No. Yet because he was black/coloured/whatever they felt the need to act differently.


racism - Discrimination or prejudice based on race.

Quite pedantic, but yeah..

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  mat hudson said:

but i guess they did it because they thought (due to his race) they would offend the guy if they didnt.

(that would be racism)

Edit: this topic called 'racial hypersensitivity' - 'scuse me if im wrong but surely feeling the need to tone down your voice when you walk past a black guy is exactly that.

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  mat hudson said:

ye, it is. but people feel the need to do that, why?

Because they're racist.

Not everyone feels the need to act that way.

Staying out of this now as it feels like your not really taking in what im saying..

EDIT: by the way... that 'because they're racist' isnt to be taken that bluntly.. theres different levels of racism and you can pick holes down to the way you say hello, or the way you act around people of a different race, such a complex subject when you get down to the bottom of it, people are going to be racist until the human race is at the point where its just one race, and then we'll probably find other things to segregate people into different groups about.

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  mat hudson said:

nah, i get what your saying. as in your saying that by not speaking at normal volume about racism around people of otherethnic background. We are treating them differentley and thus being racist.

i just dont know why we feel we have to be that way.

Probably best asking someone who does psychology/sociology as thats about the limit of my knowledge/point of view :)

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im not racist but i will call someone a tosser if they come into halfords and start talking english but in an indian way so you cant understand it, that just right pisses me off when they live here.

also i got a record cause i hit someone who was indian even though he was the one who started it? i wouldnt have a record (it isnt a bad record and i dont have to tell employee's) but still i wouldnt have it if the kid didnt go to the police and say "he was being racist" blah blah. pisses me off.

but ye, if they are cool then im fine with it, just like i would be if they were white.

but i do think we are all too "oh thats racist" i say nigger all the time, does that make me racist?

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