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Im New And Also Just An Idea

i have no seat

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Hi guys and girls. I am new to the forum and i have been riding for about 1 year and 7 months. I ride a coustellier with more dents than you could imagine. Anyway i was wondering: you know how moto trials bikes they have the huge dip thing in the middle of the bike where the seat?saddle should be? well what if your trials bike was like that. Would you be able to to more things, well not more bigger things e.g. in a gap could you go farther because you can tuck more. Or can you side hop higher. Or would the geometry make the bike fell horrible. i know this may be a silly question but it just came to my mind.

Thanks for any replies. :lol: (Y)

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ive got a martin hawyes giant team trials bike, nd if you've seen one before you'll know that the seat is kinda high, nd i thought that it didnt realy matter, but then my mate bought an echo hifi and ow my god just about every trick from bunny hopping up high things, to 9ft drops its just so much easier and smoother cus you can pull the bike up more and if you start to loose youre balance on a narrow obstical you can leane the bike more under youre self so you can get your balance back easier and if you havnt seen the echo hifi basicaly the frame is about as low as they get.. im definately getting one soon..ad

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ive got a martin hawyes giant team trials bike, nd if you've seen one before you'll know that the seat is kinda high, nd i thought that it didnt realy matter, but then my mate bought an echo hifi and ow my god just about every trick from bunny hopping up high things, to 9ft drops its just so much easier and smoother cus you can pull the bike up more and if you start to loose youre balance on a narrow obstical you can leane the bike more under youre self so you can get your balance back easier and if you havnt seen the echo hifi basicaly the frame is about as low as they get.. im definately getting one soon..ad

Hello, Norfolk? thats near me, where abouts are you from? :)

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