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Unicycle Trials Video

monkey gav

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go to www.koxx-one.com and go to media.........some of the best vids ever. Just to let you know uni trials is not as rad as bike trials.

HA! All depends on which one you're better at. I suck at even riding bikes, so I think Uni Trials is better, but each to their own. All I know is that after about 6 months work on uni trials you can get good enough to be paid for it, but it takes years to do the same for bike trials. And its cheaper too. But its not as easy, since you can't just pick up a uni and ride it insanely in a few weeks, it takes a few years to be good enough to move onto trials stuff. Each has its own merits, I'm not a bike trials person, and I know from personal experience unicycle trials is not for everyone either.

Back on topic, there are some very nice uni trials videos about, the Koxx-One Gallery being one of the best collections from 3 of the best riders in the world; Yoggi, Xavier Collos and Julien Monney. There's also the Defect Trailer, a teaser for the newest Trials/Street Unicycling DVD. There's an absolute goldmine of stuff over at The Unicyclist Community, just go to gallery (at the top) and search for 'Trials' or people like 'Shaun Johanneson', 'Ryan Atkins', 'Kris Holm' etc... If you search hard enough you might find some really crappy videos on there with me in them...

You'll all love this video of Shaun, he's one of the kings of street right now, and a real talent in the small but growing elite unicycle riders.


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I totally agree with you. For me uni trials is cool and everything but doesn't copare to what guys do on trials bikes and the way they do it. I ride uni myself but I love riding trials so much more. Those are some awesome videos you posted.Can you tell me anything about that wheel with platforms on it that guy was riding? Later.............peace!

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I totally agree with you. For me uni trials is cool and everything but doesn't copare to what guys do on trials bikes and the way they do it. I ride uni myself but I love riding trials so much more. Those are some awesome videos you posted.Can you tell me anything about that wheel with platforms on it that guy was riding? Later.............peace!

The platformed wheel is called a 'BC' wheel, after some comic in the US that had a similar kind of device in it. Its basically 2 drop plates on a BMX wheel (although you can use pegs), and you ride it by staying balanced over it as it moves... Its more dependent on gravity, like a skateboard, than a unicycle is. Needless to say they're very very hard to ride, but make for some really cool tricks.

Eyan Byrne on the unicyclist community has some nice videos here that show off some more tricks than Jeff Groves was able to show in the Defect trailer.


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ive got a dvd called universe 2 thats got some trials in it. its got freeride and northshore in it petty good :closedeyes:

Defect is the sequel to Universe 2, since people like Dylan Wallinger & Dan Doerkson don't ride any more, they've dropped from the public eye and people like Shaun Johanneson, Justin Kohse, Kevin McMullin & Xavier Collos have improved past the U2 level of riding. If you liked the stuff in U2 you'll love Defect.


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on the new members chat go to one of the first posts saying about "help me find the song" theres some awesome trials and unicycle-ing going on in that one!!!

I can't find the link to the vid or at least the one I can find is broken.

I don't suppose you can do as much on a unicycle as you can on a bike?

They're different, and used for different things. Its like saying 'you can't do as much on a skateboard as you can on a bike' there's no real comparison. Its closest to bike trials, but not the same. These few videos should (hopefully) show that:

Demo99, Ryan Atkins' Trials, Tracks.

The first is Street/Trials, the second is pure Trials, with some street flare, and the third is primarily Muni.

A trials unicycle is more than capable of performing all of these 3 styles with no real problems, in fact Kris Holm Trials unicycles are used in all 3, the 19" versions with Creepy Crawler/Luna tyres (depends on the year)


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