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Side Hopping


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When side hopping i go to my left so the LHS chainstay takes any failed attempts.

My mate side hops to the right though and the mech gets mashed fairly often.

Do others suffer similar fates to their bike?

Is there any clever way around it, other then going to the left, or is he doomed to smashing mechs!!

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when first learning sidehops you go through a few mech hangers but once you get the hang of it you rarely bugger the mech cause you know when you ain't gonna make it up so you put your foot down.

I think that it has something to do with what is your forward foot, for example I'm right foot forwards, when I sidehop to the left I put my left foot down automatically when I'm not going to make it, but when I sidehop to the right I find it much harder to put my chocolate foot down. The thing that WILL stop you from killing mech hangers is a freshproducts tensioner (Y) (Y)

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I have been right foot forward as long as I can remember and sidehopped to the right but asfter 3 years of trying found I could still only get bout 12 inches but afer trying to the left I found it harder at first then after bout 3 month i can get 26 inches. Moral of the story is try to change the way you ride even if you feel uncomfortable at first you may be suprised.

A shorter version:

Possibly doomed!

Kieron :lol: *phew*

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they die ever so often. sidehopping to mech keeps it all interesting. can't beat the feeling of being 1/2" off a high sidehop, landing to mech and having to walk home.. good times.

even if you start sidehopping to the left instead, you'll eventually want to learn to sidehop to the other side, so you might aswell learn.

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