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Validate Me Now


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Didn't mean to affend it was at the top of the newmembers forum there was a thing about people filling up the forum with topics like these(its not there any more). u know were people are just arguin all the time.It also said something about chaves.I cudnt remember the name of the thread but it was about chavs and people making poo threads.

please dont contribut threse going to be some aruguments

Yours Boris

P.S Didnt mean for the last post to sound like it did


Edited by boris_on_trials
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  monkey gav said:

Leave it out, I was typing to fast for my good.

yaaaaah wicked blud :'(

  Siders77 said:

If you were going to insult someone for their spelling the least you could have done is spelt correctly yourself regardless of weather you were typing too fast or not. ;)

Too right you spaz


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I'm with Simon on this one :'( :'(

Like Sider's said, If you're going to offend someone, The least you can do is not make yourself look a twat by spelling your insults very badly.

Story of The Validation System

You see, The validation system thing all started when certain people found this forum, and started spamming the place with millions of topics as an act to offend us, and such like.

But little did they know that the makers of the forum could make a stop to this.

So they did.

I see it as a test. A test to see who is worth letting into the 'real world' of Trials-Forum.

It's like a fence, the people that prove they are worthy of coming to the other side, do.

And vice versa.

Get it?

So basically, making topics like this wont help your case.

Making petty threats like 'Yeah man, I is gunna knife you up ghetto styley init blud' isn't going to help.

Not because we hate chavs, it's because you can't spell, you're proving you're just going to annoy everyone, And you haven't proved that you should be allowed through 'the gate'.

Get me?

If you're despereate to get validated, because you want to contribute to the forum by making good posts etc, then the best thing to do, is start fresh. Make a new account, and stop making topics 'threatening' the forum.

If you've joined for the hell of it, and don't even know what trials is or whatever, then the nicest thing I can say is piss off.

:( ;)

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