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A Few Questions


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Lightest frame, looks to be the new triton Ti frame, 3.5 lbs. Around 1600g? (damn old measurements)

Longest bike, Koxx Vinco - 1115mm wheelbase.

Lightest stock built bike 20" - Monty 221 Ti probably, Koxx XTP mod, both around 8kg i beleive.

Lightest stock built bike 26" - Again, probably a monty, or the XTP stock.

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The lightest mod I think is the Monty 221ti.

The lightest stock is the XTP-R.

I'm sure it is the same with frames. The XTP is onlr 3.7 pounds!

The longest stock is the 1100 2005 vinco, the shortest is the zebdi?

The longest mod is the Zoo Python CLS...the shortest is the Monty.

I think....

Edit: Beaten to it.

Edited by jamesb
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The lightest 20" was a Monty X-Lite, which weighed in at a little over 17lbs. The lightest stock was a crescent illinois owned by Martin Klievard (sp?) (I think...) and it weighed in at something like 18.9lbs. Have a look on the Biketrials.com archives for more details.

The longest you can get is (as has been mentioned) the 05 vinco, although there are others with a similar wheelbase (Koxx XTP must be pretty close). The shortest...is debateable. I owned a 995mm wheelbase leeson, but Tic haydons Echo ES3 measuerd in at a stupid 992mm...

Lightest frame? Echo ES4R was 3.2, but I think there were a couple of specialist frames built that were even lighter (the name Capriolo springs to mind...)


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The lightest stock was a crescent illinois owned by Martin Klievard (sp?) (I think...) and it weighed in at something like 18.9lbs.

Didn't Matt Tongue get his Leeson C660 to something like 18.5lbs...? I can't remember the exact weight but I remember it being rediculously light-weight.

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another question :) (i just thought of)

what is the highest drop which has been done in trials and by who?

steve (Y) (Y)

My best guess would be one of the zoo lads, the drop at the end of tunnis last video was unreal, and looked like about 16-18 foot. But I'm not very good at judging distances.

Matt Tongue did build up a Leeson, but how he got it so light when he was running a BMF rim and Pashley forks, I do not know. I think his frame may have been specially butted to be lighter. Jonny Jones now owns that frame so maybe he could shed some light on it.


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i think one of the biggest drops iv ever seen has to be benito ros @ the street ride at koxx days last year into the fountain was a "SERIOUS" 14/15ft not a trials forum "20ft'er"


why would you want to know what is the lightest? i rekon you should change it to "most durable" cos i do know which frame "IS" the most durable and alot of people would debate it, but personally my "NEW" levelboss took some right hammer, broke 2/3 pairs of forks on that bike fatty style ashton forks and the frame still wouldnt break. the frame is now 7month old and still going strong and as stiff as it was when i first got it!

also im extremly suprised at the strength and durability of the Belaey frame i thought it was a "comp" specific frame yet it has stuck up to some real battering too, not literally battering it but just my general trials riding use (Y) :)

other people will say things such as the echo's are really strong, the new gen control seems and looks a nice thing and wouldnt put doubts about that being a good solid frame either.

i was just curious to know if you were asking about the lightest stuff as you were thinking of trying to build up a "super light" bike? or just getting ideas on the weights and stuff. kewl topic though (Y) :P

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You was the guy (he had an eastern european sounding name!!) that had a bike in mbuk (hiphop) once - it was a cresent! that was proper pimpes out with ti spokes, carbon bits and stuff.


Your talking about Sergei Kotov (Owner of KOT bikes).

Edited by Luke_londontrials.co.uk
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