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George Best Just Died

Dr. Nick Riviera

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Oh wait that's something that's sort of pre-determined.

There is an extra enzyme in the stomach that can be found in many alcoholics. This is apparently part of the reason they cant stop once they start.

Ive an addictive personality but i cant take or leave alcohol thank god. I have been addicted to smoking fags and cannabis in the past though.

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While undoubtedly a great footballer and personality, he was warned about the health risks of what he was doing, how it was effecting him and how he would end. He ignored them all. Seems very unfair that he actually had a chance to do something about his problem, and didnt. Dont have an ounce of sympathy im afraid.

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Was it alcohol that finally killed him? He died of a kidney infection that spread to the rest of his body. Now that was caused by the immunosuppressive drugs he had after having the first transplant in 2002 (?). I don't exactly know the cause of his death and I bet no-one on here does. To say that he deserved to die is stupid.

He was one of the best footballers in the world. Pelé said he was THE best. I bet he had more of a positive impact on more people's lives than anyone reading this topic will ever manage. So everyone shut up and let him RIP.

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Was it alcohol that finally killed him? He died of a kidney infection that spread to the rest of his body. Now that was caused by the immunosuppressive drugs he had after having the first transplant in 2002 (?). I don't exactly know the cause of his death and I bet no-one on here does. To say that he deserved to die is stupid.

He was one of the best footballers in the world. Pelé said he was THE best. I bet he had more of a positive impact on more people's lives than anyone reading this topic will ever manage. So everyone shut up and let him RIP.

Internal bleeding.

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i think he was a fanny

he waste dual livers,

which one could have been used on someone who wasnt just going to waste it,

just because he played football doesnt make him special hes just like any other alcholic ass bandit,what a total peen.

as some one prevoiusly said thank f**k hes dead :lol:

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Try to imagine, that you don't actually know the life George Best experienced. Because, in all honesty, I don't think you do. You know, perhaps a summary of action, chosen for you by various media outlets. Can these outlets be trusted and even if they can, will they actually give you a real insight into the reasons for his behaviour? Perhaps it was a selfish act to waste his second liver? Did he? I don't know. But I also suspect none of you truely know the surrounding circumstances to his behaviour. Some circumstances are overbearing and make you far more likely to behave in a certain way. He is a human.

I certainly think from your perspectives, saying you are glad he is dead, is actually quite ignorant. Unless you know the guy personally? I'll shut up if you do.

The problem I have with George Best is the amount of recent coverage he's had. I don't see it being very pleasant for his family and it disapoints me with the hugh public response it gets. Yes, I know he was an amazing footballer. Even, perhaps, the best ever. But that's all and he's just one individual. He does deserve acknowledgement but I don't think to the extent he's getting. Not when there are hugh amounts of the human population suffering in such extreme ways. News that doesn't even get reported or paid attention to because it's not interesting enough anymore or too depressing. It's the news that should dominate but instead, it's all about the celebrities. I understand why, I just find it a shame.

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He was a wife beater, which is one of the lowest things you can do in my book. I dont give 2 shits about football. Hitler was a great Economist, yet you dont hear him raved on about with regards to his contribution to the German Economy. No people say he was the most evil man in history. I sure Peter Sutcliffe has his endearing traits too. OK maybe a bit off the scale in terms of a comparison. Gary Glitter perhaps then. Very successful musicsian, also a child molesting pervert. Im sure you wouldnt stand up for him.

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I most certainly do not like the actions of wife beating or child molesting but I wouldn't want either of them to die for it. I don't think that gets us anywhere. The hate that desires the death of another distorts rationality and we need to be rational to understand the actions of these people. They happen for a reason after all and I don't think you can just put it down to them being evil. My opinion is understanding, not hate is the means to stop forms of behaviour we don't accept.

In regards to chid molesting. Imagine a society that did not accept the act of child molesting, but was understanding that factors occur in an individuals life which create the desires. Genetics and environment perhaps. With a strong social feeling of hate not attatched to these actions, and instead an understanding that it happens whilst retaining the idea it's not acceptable, peadophillic individuals, may feel able to approach others, to discuss their desire, giving us more understanding and possible fixes. Instead, they are unable to because of the predominant hate that surrounds their desires. This hate pushes the problem underground where it is more likely to act in the way that nobody wants it to. The law doesn't stop peadophilles. It only stops them after they've commited the act. This gives us the possiblity of preventative measures so surely that's better?

You might think this easy for me to say, but my family has been effected by one of these individuals, Admitedly not to the full potential that exists, but even so, it's far from nice. I don't like what happened at all but I don't hate the person, if anything I feel sorry for them. I can't imagine they've consciencely chosen to be that way. I think though, that it didn't need to happen. And I think hate promotes this problem.

apologies if I just went off on a tangent :)

Edited by rowly
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What do footballers actually do, other than play football, same with most rich and famous people. We could easily live without them.

Dont give me the cock and bull about charity work, very few celebs do it out of pure generosity, merely too look good i nthe media.

There ar eordinary peop[le out there, doing ordinarly jobs that have helped society more than Mr Best.

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I most certainly do not like the actions of wife beating or child molesting but I wouldn't want either of them to die for it. I don't think that gets us anywhere. The hate that desires the death of another distorts rationality and we need to be rational to understand the actions of these people. They happen for a reason after all and I don't think you can just put it down to them being evil. My opinion is understanding, not hate is the means to stop forms of behaviour we don't accept.

In regards to chid molesting. Imagine a society that did not accept the act of child molesting, but was understanding that factors occur in an individuals life which create the desires. Genetics and environment perhaps. With a strong social feeling of hate not attatched to these actions, and instead an understanding that it happens whilst retaining the idea it's not acceptable, peadophillic individuals, may feel able to approach others, to discuss their desire, giving us more understanding and possible fixes. Instead, they are unable to because of the predominant hate that surrounds their desires. This hate pushes the problem underground where it is more likely to act in the way that nobody wants it to. The law doesn't stop peadophilles. It only stops them after they've commited the act. This gives us the possiblity of preventative measures so surely that's better?

You might think this easy for me to say, but my family has been effected by one of these individuals, Admitedly not to the full potential that exists, but even so, it's far from nice. I don't like what happened at all but I don't hate the person, if anything I feel sorry for them. I can't imagine they've consciencely chosen to be that way. I think though, that it didn't need to happen. And I think hate promotes this problem.

apologies if I just went off on a tangent :)

A perfect example of the weak and ridiculously "politically correct" world we live in.

these people murder our family members, rape our children/brothers/sisters and get away with piss poor sentences and face that sentence in an easy going prison enviroment with a roof over there heads and three meals a day, with no access to general population so they don't get there heads caved in by other inmates. bliss...

and all they have to do is sit down and talk about there problems and act like there magically cured...bull, once a sick twat always a sick twat.

how long has the murderer been studied? has it solved anything? nope, so why bother with the kid fiddler!

i say fetch out the lynching rope already, why would you want to keep people like this alive? we already have an overcrowding problem so wheres the harm in warming up the furness and handing out some poetic justice eh.

i'm just bored of this society and its namby pamby walk on egg shells attitude.

Edited by phil white
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Just because you don't like football doesn't mean footballers are worthless and deserve to die.

We could easily live without them.
I could probably live without you, or anyone else on here for that matter. Do you deserve to die?
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Phil, you obviously don't like the idea of and so don't wish for the types of behaviour which are damaging to the rest of us. But at the same time you seem to argue against my idea with out any reason as to why it won't work. You seem more concerned with what to do after a crime has been commited. I find this irrational. Punishment, evidently, is far from being a preventative measure. It does not fully deter. I think it's time to look for better preventative measures. Everyone does something for a reason. When we understand the reason, we can develop a solution.

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