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The best stuff is the liquid tar in the tins, smack on a cows comdom (rubber glove) and use that hand as a spoon. Really get a hand full and paint the stuff on your rims like your hands a brush!

Works a treat :P

HAHA, Ted sorry to burst ur bubble, but umm....... A cow does not reproduce through its uders!

Personly i hate tar, lets keep it on the roofs and roads shall we, best palce for it!


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lol so you mean basically do any pads that fit maguras work better than tar? :P

For a start you need some pads to grip onto the tar and well most pads work with tar anyway, so just get some shitters and you'll be alrite with the technique I described earlier :)

Edited by Rob P
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What do you peeps think of using tar?

How do you prepare it or do you just use it as it comes?

are there any other alternatives apart frm tar and grind?

:P we found unbalievable amounts of tar at my old school because they ahve just bin doing the roofs :P

I use tar, brake works perfect.

You just apply it to your rim like your putting chalk on a chalk board really.

Some people just have a smooth rim, no tar, with good pads. But's it's tar or a grind for most people.

The best stuff is the liquid tar in the tins, smack on a cows comdom (rubber glove) and use that hand as a spoon. Really get a hand full and paint the stuff on your rims like your hands a brush!

Works a treat :)

That's just daft. :P

Do some of the Magura pads out there work as well as tar? :S

well not magura own brand.............

Magura pads that arn't maguras brand and referd as 'after market pads'. If you want a good brake, you need to loose the magura pads and get some aftermarket ones.

Maguras own pads are crap, weather you plaster them with tar, or have any sort of grind.

The tar you want to put on your rims is soild tar. Not tar with rocks in it, pure tar.


Edited by JT!
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cheers for that :P

i mite boil up me tar cos i gt loads but its hard as out, if i melt it n reshape it will it be slighty softer and stick better to the rim? :)

It's suposed to be hard.

Should just drag it across the rim and it should come off onto the rims.

I personaly do loads of little vertical lines round the rim. Find it give me the best results.

Just flick it rather drag it if it isn't comming on.

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I use tar, brake works perfect.

You just apply it to your rim like your putting chalk on a chalk board really.

Some people just have a smooth rim, no tar, with good pads. But's it's tar or a grind for most people.

That's just daft. :'(

Magura pads that arn't maguras brand and referd as 'after market pads'. If you want a good brake, you need to loose the magura pads and get some aftermarket ones.

Maguras own pads are crap, weather you plaster them with tar, or have any sort of grind.

The tar you want to put on your rims is soild tar. Not tar with rocks in it, pure tar.


When me and my mate first went looking for tar, we were picking up dog sh*t instead by accident :'(

I use tar, smooth rim + Koolstops. Works great in dry conditions so I've never thought twice about using decent pads. I shouldnt be saying that you should use tar as it can be a bit scary when you use too much, but hey Ill let you find that out yourself :(

If you CAN be arsed grinding your rim every week and using good pads, Definitly do that over tar. Im a lazy f*ck which is why i cba grinding thus my reason to use tar

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