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Best Bike You Have Ever Riden?


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  terror-error said:

Ben slingers Onza limey

Ben slingers Signature bike

Tom rigg's Control

My mates team

This lads LB at fort will

Leedstrials Leeson

My mates Monty X-lite

Then my bike

So, what, all of them are the best? :P

  terror-error said:

Why does every one else's bike rider better than your own?

They shouldn't, like said above.

I can't ride other people bikes, at all. For one the back brake is usually shit, and it feels so wrong.

Anyway, to answer the original question, mine. T-lite with low forks and a low stem.


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  terror-error said:

Ben slingers Onza limey

Ben slingers Signature bike

Tom rigg's Control

My mates team

This lads LB at fort will

Leedstrials Leeson

My mates Monty X-lite

Then my bike

Why does every one else's bike rider better than your own?

cheers dude! its true though my bike does rock

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my toxsin, just replaced my fatty-r forks with some 4-bolt mount urbans last night and the front end feels so sweet now, bit lighter and just feels awesome

apart from that the best mod i've probably ridden would be towlers echo team, its real nice, like the feel of the 05 maguras and just the general ride of the bike

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Hi :)

I think that the best bike I have ridden is my bike, and thats because its the bike I am most comfortable on. Apart from mine I would say Kris Leesons 24inch is the best as it has almost the same geometry and setup as mine, but its lighter :P

I have yet to try a long low trials bike though so I dont know, maybe I would prefer that?!


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  Dw@Hulltrials said:

OBVIOUSLY the Adamant A1 :D

Bestesterer ^^^^^^

was the Kot bu then it went (Y) :) *snap* *snap*

Well i obviously have to agree with this as well :P its a really nice bike to ride. different to begin with but had nothing but good things from it.


my toxsin one was also an awesome bike to ride :)

most dont like my bike cos i have my magura's set up with lots of lever pull and low bars are always good, currently running zoo bars (the best) and hi-fi low stem on my adamant, with no spacers and feels good :)

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Ohhhh... I loved Ben's Toxsin when he had it, felt amazing!!!

But I also love Paul's Onza Limey, awwww man that felt like a dream, my mates Toxsin feels really good too & I also love the feel of my bike after I've been on someones else bike then jumped back on mine... feels GREAT!!! :) :wub: (Y)


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