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6 Months!


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Well being a new memeber to Trials-Forum and having been away from the Trials scene for six months.

I would firstly like to say WOW!!

I mean before i stopped riding my trusty steed back in June i was uptodate with all the new components and frames that were coming onto the Trials market.......then i developed lower back problems and ceased riding.

Up until now i have tried not to follow the scene too much as it would activate those brain cells that makes you want to go out and ride....(you know what i mean, watchin the vids of people who seem to make the sport look effortless, lookin at new components and thinking how it would make you bike look a little more pimped up). So it went on the back burner.......until now!

These past few weeks I have found myself looking at old sites that were bookmarked (it's like my body knows it's almost fixed and has woken up a part of the brain used for Trials)....

Which brings me to my point, not that this is an advert, however when i went onto my favourite frame manufacturer site ECHO. I was amazed to see the range of new components that they do. Then to top it off, the links to new frame manufacturers like ADAMANT/CZAR. I mean i went on there to check what new vids they had done....

I then decided to check out my favourite online Trials shop (www.tartybikes.co.uk), i was amazed to see how much it had grown. All these new products available......the frames page was just amazing, there were loads.

I then checked out what people were building and the styles.....it seems that it had changed to a nice simple style where everything looked understated (which is nice to see).

One thing i can't tell if it has changed or not, is the riding styles and objectives......has everyoe gotten sketchy and gone for big stuff, or has evryone gone very smooth and gone for technical? (by that i mean, still going fairly big, but linking moves).

OR......has everyone gone completely the opposite now and started doing natural/comps?

AND our friend TRA....how's he doing? is he still with Koxx? has his wrist got better?

I honestly don't know.

I would be greatfull if you guys could fill me in on the big stuff i've missed out on!!!

All in All......it''s good to be back, however i have the nice challenge to get back on form (God curbs are going to feel soooo big again).

Anyway, i shall stop babbling on now.

Thanks Guys/Gals (Y)

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well by the looks of things you have noticed most of the changes during your time away and from what ive been hearing and have seen people go in there own directions (natural/street/forfun/comps) its a mix, i guess it all depends on the mood your in at the time.

And yes TRA is still with koxx (still riding good aswell) and yes his wrist has healed very well, hes back doing big drops and sweet gaps.

Just thought id chip in with a bit more info.

Cheers Thurston

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I know exactly what you mean mate. All the manufactures have just gone crazy and chuched out loads of good new products (Wich is a good thing for us :P)and the sport. I also was thinking that about TRA myself so its nice to know other people also think he is a good rider and are concerned wether his wrist is better or not and wether he still ride`s for koxx. nice post :P

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It's probably all fairly cheap now too.

With the Zoo!'s being like half of what they must have been back in June.

Everyone's going their own way in trials.

Long, Low, and silver is common.

Tech street or just plain crazy street. Also get a good bit of natural video's by Tartybikes.

Everyone does their own thing really...

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