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What Has Been Your Worst Fall Ever?


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the most painfull was on my old kona shred - hit a double set of stairs 8+8 - jumped the first bit to land on the tranny of the second set - i got one of those not-quite-right takeoff moments and tensed up in the air,

the run-up was on kind of an angle so i was trying to half hip it (no more than 20 degrees) meaning i landed way over tha back and at an angle, i bailed of the back of the bike and took almost the whole landing on one foot with my leg locked strait

i went down the last 5 or so steps like a sack of sh!t roled got strait up on my feet, realised i had killed my foot (because it hurt like hell) stumbled went strait back down and smacked my sweed on concrete

everybody was to buisy p!ssing themselved to help me (Y)

my foot ended up blue / black for about a month but it was only bruised, my head was fine (thanks to my trusty tsg)

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sam are you still doing moto-trials or just bike trials now. sorry it hasnt got nothing to do with the topic but i haven't had a good crash yet lol touch wood.

Packed in Moto Trials for a while to compete on my monty. :P

Makes sense really because i did not get enough time on my Sherco

& are on my Monty all the time. Same teqnique apart from the pedal

bit & clutch & throttle.

PS going to Ogwen on Sat if we arn't snowed in, fancy some practice? :P

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i was doing a 3 foot gap on to a rail when my break didn't hold i tried to put one foot on the rail but failed and my other leg was on the other side of the rail i landed straight on the balls not good had to go and sit down for a bit then make. My way home very painful to say the least.

G :P avyn

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i think my worst 2 fall was is when i face planted in to some cobles whilst tring to got straight to back wheel

and the second was when i fell off gap off a 4 ft wall i think i broke a rib i have a sharp point rib now still hurts some times i couldnt be arsed to to wait in the f**king a&e :P

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My worst fall was when i tried to drop off a pile of pallets & my back wheel got

stuck & threw me over the bars face planting my mates patio, :P

Suffered fractured skull,cheekbone & eyesocket. Bike was sound :P image2334gs.jpg

And another,


ouch!!!!!!BRAVE laD GOOD TO knOW yoU StIll RiDing though.....takes alot more than that to stop a biker isnt that rite lads......................and lasses.

Lost count of things i have done to hert myself...lol..........there was this one time when i was riding tyketrial it was my first intermediate about 12months back....i fell and landed straight on my knee....cut it open and had stiches put in ...........

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Was about 5 years ago i was going for a 180 spin off a 4/5foot wall and i pulled the back wheel off

the front grip just went i ended up landing on my head! that day i went and got my self a hamlet. i was very luck to walk way from it.

A hamlet! what good's a cigar gonna do?!

I remember that day dude lol, we were waiting for the train to oxford

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