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O2 Upgrades


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My contract is due for renewal and I want to squeeze as much out of O2 as I can.

At present I'm paying £20 a month for a £25 a month tariff.

I want to change to a £30 a month tariff, but pay as little as possible. I think they've offered me this for £20 a month which isn't bad.

In addition to that they've offered me £100 credit on my account too.

I want an XDA Exec to replace my PDA, but they want at least £150 for it.

I know it's not a bad deal, but I'm feeling tight fisted. Has anyone had any luck getting handsets cheaper? What's the best way to go about it?



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bullshit :P

say you have been offered a good deal from elsewhere and unless they can meet it you will be tempted to leave.

say you have other members of your family who will also change.

and haggle!

im mananaged to cut my contract form 20 ish down to £14 a month and i got a D600 when they first came out for £60 quid. they offered me far less till i started to complain :P

seems to be the one thing you can actually haggle for in todays world (yet i try with most things!).

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If you phone them up asking to cancel the contract, they will transfer you to "O2 customer retention" where they will basically grovel for your custom. I got my £25 tariff halved in price (same minutes etc) plus a new phone (basically any of the "free" ones when you start a contract). I got a d500 when they came out first, and boshed it on eBay for £200. All because I threatened to cancel the O2 contract and phone Orange... However, the exec is pretty expensive really, so I don't know if I would expect it any cheaper than £150... What about the xda mini?

At the end of the day, a £15 contract for a year compared with £30 will save £180, so it's maybe worth haggling the contract down and not worry too much about the price of the phone. Plus if you keep the contract for longer than a year then you're in the money :P

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I got £100 credit and £5 off my monthly contract.

I changed to Online50 trarif which is £20 with my deal its now £15 a month and with the £100 credit I get my first 7months free of charge, so i pay about £50 for my contract this year.

Plus O2 made a big mistake and gave Dan a used W800i so he got a new one and I kept his, so I got a phone upgrade to a W800i for free.

Basically we got £600 worth of phones for free and there not geting i back.

Edited by Michael Hardman
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