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Koxx Xtp Mods


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Evening all, a thought just popped into my brain about the koxx xtp mod frame, we all know that the stock versions are kinda weak and alot of them have snapped/cracked but what about the mod ? I don't think I have heard of many ( if any at all ) cracking or snapping, I think some have but how many in comparison to the stocks ? are they another one of koxx's lovely ride it for 6 months then it snaps ?

Anyone care to shed any light ?

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i had one and i put it through some serious abuse cause im not really the smoothest of riders when i do something thats big for me i know theyre uci bikes but i used the bashguard quite abit sidehops to pedal fronthooks the works for a good year and it was still fine no stress marks or anything the mod versions are really strong :turned:

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so far its 2 people snapped and 2 people its lasting/lasted, and one of the people Gaz M has said his has been through some pain! thats what i like to hear someone with honesty and a good opinion on something, its better than saying "well i had it 12months and only ever rode it to the shops and back and it just snapped in half" oh my god!

if you ask me the honesty in this thread will make someones opinion on the bike good/bad. yes people have broken them, but usually something breaks for a reason just like the 26" XTP? iv seen a few of them broken half of them are batterd to the moon and back. what do you expect??? competition light weight frames are designed for performance, its a bit like someone being an idiot and buying a porsche carrera and going up fricking mount everest! ye mate!!!! good idea isnt it? its not designed for the purpose therefore its not going to with stand that kind of thing or pressure.


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