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Making My T-rex Abit More 'street'

Tom Booth

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Right after riding with the local bmx'er quite alot in the past month, ive decided i wanna try abit more of a street aproacch to my riding, but still ride the usual gap drop sidehop aproach to riding. Im currently runnig a 120x7 dmr stem and try all bars, making it soo hard to bunny hop. I was thinking replacing my bar and stem for something along the lines of 90x15 with dmr wingbar risers. Would this improve the feel of the bike in ters of 'streetness' or would it just ride like shit? To Poor to buy a shorter frame :turned:



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i used ot think it was impossible to bunnyhop my t-rex with a 120x6 stem and onza carbon risers, until i actually stopped telling people it wasnt possible and tried it....

its easy! takes a fair bit of getting used to.... ut once oyu get it mastered, its really not so bad! i can do fairly large (5ftx3ftish) bunnyhop gaps up to stuff, and can bunnyhop around 43'' to backwheel.... all after just a week or so of trying, having previously not bunnyhopped for abot 3 years!!!!

dont make your bike feel nasty :turned: learn to ride it properly....

just to prove my point.... i had a few goes on mates bikes last wednesday, trying mega spins....

Leeson-couldnt spin it at all

revel-could hardly spin it really-rubbish attempt

orange zero-not a chance

back onto my rex, and i pulled off the most perfcet mega spin, going way past 360 degrees.... first time....

long bikes rule!

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  prawn said:

dont make your bike feel nasty :P learn to ride it properly....

just to prove my point.... i had a few goes on mates bikes last wednesday, trying mega spins....

Leeson-couldnt spin it at all

revel-could hardly spin it really-rubbish attempt

orange zero-not a chance

back onto my rex, and i pulled off the most perfcet mega spin, going way past 360 degrees.... first time....

long bikes rule!

Yep, Rich Ainsley can spin my Toxsin easier than his Leeson :P

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  Sam@SouthTrials said:

Long bikes with mtb bars and stems do ride horrid to be honest. You can ride street with any set up to be honest.

To be honest. I say that too much to be honest.

not sure about that, i use easton ea70 mid rise bars tilted forward a bit with a thomson elite stem 100mm 5degree stem (both of which are more mtb items than trials specific, especially bars) on my toxsin and it rides really good

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  JIX said:
Having high bars on a long bike doesnt defeat the point at all.

If that comment was towards me, I shall begin.

Leesons are usually streetier bikes. Strangely enough they aren't long and low. T-Rex is a fairly long and low bike, therefore trying to make it street, would once again in a strange manner, be defeating the object of a long and low bike.

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Not aimed at you just a general comment. Just because a bike is long doesnt mean it has to have low bars, like wise a shorter bike doesnt have to have higher bars. Long bikes can be bunny hopped really well with higher bars. For comps then a long bike with lower bars tend to be good, but even then look at wayne on his Levelboss, he has quite high bars and won expert this year.

If he wants high bars then you can call his bike long.

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