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Anyone Been In A Car Accident?

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well funny enough BASETA26ER you just dont see the point im basically saying to you slow down dont drive like a tit not buy a high performance car to go kill yourself in. yeah you might not like it but guess what i dont give two f**ks about what you like maybe it is ott but its been in all big magazines and won many trophies at shows thanks to an illegal immigrant with no insurance its all gone now and yes i have full comp insurance with everything declared, but the insuarnce compny wont pay out the actual price for the stuff.

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  James@swanseatrials.com said:

well funny enough BASETA26ER you just dont see the point im basically saying to you slow down dont drive like a tit not buy a high performance car to go kill yourself in. yeah you might not like it but guess what i dont give two f**ks about what you like maybe it is ott but its been in all big magazines and won many trophies at shows thanks to an illegal immigrant with no insurance its all gone now and yes i have full comp insurance with everything declared, but the insuarnce compny wont pay out the actual price for the stuff.

well most insurance companys you would stil be able to claim for the damage too your car thats what insurance is for.. i would take it further.. to a solicitor and see where you stand beacuse im sure you should get paid out, i understand how much works gone in to the car also as im doing vehicle bodyn repair (vbr) at collage.. i understand theres a fair few bob in it too.. hope y'all get through it..

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you wont get the actual value of your car back unfortunately with any fully comp insurance policy. basically just for future reference you need to get an agreed value policy, the insurance company will request receipts/photos or send a valuer out to make a valuation report, you then agree the the value of the car based upon this report, pay a bit extra to your insurance company and then in the unfortunate event that this happens again you'll get that amount, if it gets written off.

this is how ive got mine insured, on the private market advertised in a specialist mag i could get 4500-5000 for it but the open market value is about 2500, big difference.

definitely get one for a show car like that as its unique and its notjust money but time anthought that goes into them.

got the right idea though, nobody with any sense mods a car to go really quick when your 17-18, not enough experience to handle most cars let a lone a quick one, plus who needs a quick car in town any way, go slow so people have time to stare and admire!!

it'll get sorted in the end mate

speedy recovery to your girlfriend

Edited by curly_freak
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Oh dear god that car looks f**king awfu...l :turned:

but holy shit, getting hit at 45mph, where did he hit you? Into the side? I really hope you and your missus can recover quickly, can't imagine how hard it can be when something like that happens, perfectly understandable that you feel guilty over it but just remember there's no way you could have stopped this happening.

Good luck and pleeeeeaaaaase do not do that to your next car.... (the modifying and crashing)

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  Siders77 said:

Can I just ask something, if your girlfriend is nearly paralised etc then why are you sat posting on an internet forum? :turned:

was going to say this last night id really want to be at her bedside, hope they get what they deserve, you have to be carefull of other people on the road its not just you and it not your fault man

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my step brother was in a car accident he was in the car with his mates and the driver was pissed and on drugs and they came to a sharp turning and went flying into the field all the people got chucked out of the car into the field im not to sure about the other people but my step brother had a fractured skull something to his left arm and brain damage hes 22 and cant work it sucks and what makes it worse is that the driver was hurt that bad and all the rest of my bros mates got seriously injured im so lucky to have my step brother still with me and please no one drink and drive just think who are you putting in danger

sorry to hear about your accident and hope you and your girlfriend gets better soon

nice car mate :turned:

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  Lankyricky said:
my step brother was in a car accident he was in the car with his mates and the driver was pissed and on drugs and they came to a sharp turning and went flying into the field all the people got chucked out of the car into the field im not to sure about the other people but my step brother had a fractured skull something to his left arm and brain damage hes 22 and cant work it sucks and what makes it worse is that the driver was hurt that bad and all the rest of my bros mates got seriously injured im so lucky to have my step brother still with me and please no one drink and drive just think who are you putting in danger

So they weren't wearing seatbelts? Tut tut.

Oh and where did the car get hit?

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  Lankyricky said:
well they was all pissed and that and the car rolled into a field i believe it was in a town called canewdon

Exactly, it isn't like they had all been on their best behavious, I'm not saying anyone deserved it just saying that the driver might of been smashed but so was everyone else.

And the Q about where the car was hit was to the topic starter :turned:

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  MrMonkey said:

Exactly, it isn't like they had all been on their best behavious, I'm not saying anyone deserved it just saying that the driver might of been smashed but so was everyone else.

And the Q about where the car was hit was to the topic starter (Y)

It's the drivers fault. The driver is always responsible for passengers. When I take friends somewhere, if they don't wear their seatbelt, they get the fu*k out. On top of that I'm not stupid (or selfish) enough to go driving whilst drunk/on drugs, let alone with passengers. So the driver of that car is a waste of life and now thanks to him, he's ruined the lives of other people. Die.

As for this accident, that sucks mate, I hope your girlfriend is alright. All I can say is what's been said before, try small claims court, the police and the like :turned:

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How is it a chav car?

I dont get most people on here....

I bet most of you drink fosters yeah?

Well, i could easily say "ahhh you drink a chavs drink" cause most chavs drink that...


I hope your girlfriend gets better soon man! i bet it sucks!

Dont feel guilty mate, it wasnt your fault, the immigrant should be kicked in, and then kicked out the country, and none of them should come back!

f**king pricks!

(noticing in the news lately) most of the pics of people that are the ones who have commited the crime, arnt english... terrorism?

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Scary to think that instead of you in that pimped up car it could have been me sitting there on my motorbike doing exactly the same thing as you.

Really hope the missus gets better mate, no blame to you for loosing your temper who wouldnt. I'd keep calm and make sure the missus knows how much you care for her. Cry if you have to.

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no the car wasent hit and the topic is CAR ACCIDENT and the willy who was drivin the car should get his head kicked in and he nearly did by my other step bro whos been in and out of prison since he was 15.

my point is that if you or a close mate or relative was in a accident and wasent there fault and your mate/ family came off worse than the person/ people who caused it would you keep your calm or would you find them and cause a riot i know that i would

im not a violent person but when it comes to people gettin hurt that i no when it was some c**ts fault i would at least brake their legs, when my step bro was in critical condition in hospital the driver came in to see how he was when my other step bro and step dad was there (big mistake) they both had him against the wall ready to kill him basically but doctors prevented it shame really

i really do hope you and your girlfriend are ok and get this c**t put away

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  terror-error said:

I bet most of you drink fosters yeah?

Well, i could easily say "ahhh you drink a chavs drink" cause most chavs drink that...

Do you live in a rich area? fosters is damm expencive!

we have pikey chavs who get 50% extra on a 2 litre bottle of white lightning for £3.25 and the 2nd 1 half price so like....... £5.25 for 6 litres of paint stripper!

And yea what happened to ricks bro is harsh but everyone has some responsibility whos in the car, would you have got in that car?

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ok, here's the story :

i was in the car with my mate, we were goin down a small country lane . . around 7 at night. It had been rainin all day so the road was pretty slippery. Anyway, my mate was drivin and goin about 30 mph when all of a sudden, we went round a corner and straight infront of us, there was a cow! dam thing! my mate slammed on the brakes as hard as possible but because the road was wet and very muddy, we just slid straight into the dam thing. We must have been doin about 10 when we hit it and that was just enough to cause it to be knocked onto the bonnet (causing the biggest dent you've ever seen) and its foot went straight through the windscreen, narrowly missin my face lol.

anyway, my mate had to pay for all the damage done to his car, even though the farmer is not supposed to keep his cows out there and is supposed to keep the road clean seein as his cows make it all muddy. . . this just goes with the original post . . basically enforcing that the world is full of injustices . . and stupid cows :P


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  pissin_on_the_fence said:

Do you live in a rich area? fosters is damm expencive!

we have pikey chavs who get 50% extra on a 2 litre bottle of white lightning for £3.25 and the 2nd 1 half price so like....... £5.25 for 6 litres of paint stripper!

And yea what happened to ricks bro is harsh but everyone has some responsibility whos in the car, would you have got in that car?

true.. all chavs round here drink cider! :P

  ian said:

im sorry but that car is rank, you could of bought a second hand sports car for that would be all go and show instead of all show and no go,

still it is harsh what happend and i hope your g/f is alright

i agree

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  pissin_on_the_fence said:

Do you live in a rich area? fosters is damm expencive!

we have pikey chavs who get 50% extra on a 2 litre bottle of white lightning for £3.25 and the 2nd 1 half price so like....... £5.25 for 6 litres of paint stripper!

And yea what happened to ricks bro is harsh but everyone has some responsibility whos in the car, would you have got in that car?

i agree

Fosters isnt a chavs drink its not that cheap cider is definately the chavs choice and CASTLEMAIN XXXX now thats cheap and tastes like s***, definately 4 chavs

Edited by stock trials the real sport
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