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Ot: Lucid Dreams

Mat Smith!

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"Lucid dreaming (also known as dream consciousness or conscious dreaming) is dreaming while being aware that you are dreaming. To actually have a lucid dream you merely have to recognize that you are dreaming. Realizing you are dreaming may not seem all that special, but becoming aware that you are dreaming presents the opportunity of controlling dreams. The idea is that once you are aware you are dreaming you can alter your dreams and dictate what happens: you can do anything you’ve ever wanted and go anywhere you’ve ever desired. Furthermore, everyone can learn how to have lucid dreams. Sound too good to be true, or perhaps a little too “new-ageish?” Lucid dreaming is very real and very possible, and there are many practical and down-to-Earth reasons to experiment with lucid dreams."

I've had a couple of lucid dreams before, really strange. Just thought I'd post about this as i was reading about it.

See below:


Ever had this? discuss

Interesting stuff. :)


Edited by mattyboy_69_
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Before I could pedal kick I would be thinking about it so much that I started dreaming about it. :) I'd be hopping around everyware in this dream! Then I'd wake up with the memory/feeling and try it out!

After a bowl of Frosties obviously :-

It helped loads!! Ah the great subconsious :-

But er` no......I don't think I was in control while asleep, sorry! Although I do have the same 5 or 6 dreams repeated, you`d think I'd click on by now! H`mm.

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