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Booster For Levelboss (stock)


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Do you reckon one is needed - how much difference would it make?

And if so which one should I get, as I've heard the Try-Alls are not all that great.

If it matters I am a newbee and I'm just about to start rear wheel training, so up until now I've been ok without one, but I can well imaging it making a bit difference from here on.

Brakes are HS33 -05, with brown(?) KoxxBloxx and the rim is a DX32 with a grind.

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You would probably be better off with a booster. When the mounts flex they are getting weakened because the metal only bends so much before it eventually cracks, it's nowhere near going to snap as quick as steel though.

If i was you i would get one mate, It protects your frame and increases you breaking power diverting more power to the rim and not the frame. I think a Echo booster or a onza carbon fiber would fit your beast. :S .

You have been validated by the way.

Edited by Jaffacakes
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DUDE..how did u get validated??? ive been a member for like..foever!! and i still havnt :lol::(:P:(

Don't know - must have just been, since I didn't notice until Jaffacakes pointed it out to me. I guess trying to follow the guidelines helped? So no inside tips for you, I'm sorry. :lol: But I guess you where perhaps being retorical?

I've gotten good advice "despite" only being able to post in "new members", but still nice be validated. Guess it hasn't got anything to do with actual trials skills. :P

Forever as in 3 months? You joined the same day as me :P .

Yeah it will fit :P .

Thanks! :P One of those then i think... :S

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Don't know - must have just been, since I didn't notice until Jaffacakes pointed it out to me. I guess trying to follow the guidelines helped? So no inside tips for you, I'm sorry. :blink: But I guess you where perhaps being retorical?

the reason you got validated is probably because you put effort into your post, used correct spelling/grammer and you don't sound like a nob.

EDIT: it just goes to show you don't need to be an expert on the subject to get validated

Edited by ash-kennard
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back to the topic, the echo control booster does look very sweet.

i just bought the standard echo one (black anodised one) from tarty its not as big and looks very neat. improves the braking no end, cant believe i lasted a year with no booster at all :angry:

yes, I agree with this guy. The echo control does look really nice, and it has really improved my brake, but I run it on a mod bike, unlike you who would run it on a stock.

There should be no problem with this booster on your bike, I would recomed this booster to any one.

Hope I help


Edited by t-mag_rider
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Hi i have a levelboss (stock) and i used to use a rb booster, It worked really well but not long ago i ended up taking it off and my frame doesnt seem to flex atall really so it all depends on how harsh you pull your break. :P

The RB was out of stock (less choice = good :) ), so I ordered a Control... hopefully it will do the trick. The thing is that I'm experiencing some slipping occationally, which could just be badly adjusted brakes - but since the frame flexes so much I'll give a booster a try. Given the good reputation and high weight of the Echo booster I guess if it doesn't make any difference for me, basically no other booster will either.

I know really skilled guys running Levelbosses without boosters - so I guess when you aquire more skill you can get away with less power since your weight will be in the right place so to speak. For now at least I believe that a booster will benefit my learning curve (and time will tell if i remove it in the end).

Thanks to everyone who helped out answering my questions!

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