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Have A Laugh........


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That's just one problem with the Internet.

It sucks for talking to people on really.

People can and are sarcastic at times, like I am most of the time. I don't argue in meanness, I argue to put my point across, Like to think I back it up, and sorta have a laugh when I argue. Because most of the time it's funny.

So a topic was closed, Instead of ranting on about why it was closed etc, just try to think why it was closed. And just laugh about it and get over it.

Yes, I agree that this forum can be irritating, by all the arguements that start up, but I think instead of posting back just to reply to them, instead of the topic itself, you should either just leave it, or get back to the point.

Surely this would stop the argueing? Besause saying "In my opinion, you are a wanker etc" Just keeps the arguement going, and gets topics closed.

Which can be unfair on the topic starter, becase they could want to find something out, and then never find out becasue their topic had been closed becasue a few people couldn't help themselves and argued.

I noticed i started to do this a while ago, And I admit to it, but recently i think I haven't. And tried to help people instead of calling them stupid or whatever.

That's probably the most constructive post I've made in this forum so far... :S

EDIT: Isn't it nicer when we can have a discussion? like what this thread is about, and how this thread is going? :P

Edited by Dan6061
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i didnt take it personally al, i was curious in a way that threads about wanking were ok? yet a cycle related discussion or topic with a bit of fun and a laugh in was deleted, i didnt actually know until i looked on here.

but hey, id personally like to say to onzaboymark (not in an arguementative manner) i want you to take it with a pinch of salt if you have to but i h ave this to say:

yours posts are taken serious by fellow members cos you post alot and some of it i can only feel from an opinion point of view irritates the tits off people. some of them have niggled me but i look at them and think well hey thats his opinion on the matter and accept it, i dont mind if you come back at me and give me loads of shit as i wont take it personally i will take it with a pinch of salt and just forget about it, but to me if i was a neutral person i would be thinking that your a bit of a cock in the respect of some of your posts which maybe how "jix" took it, but he may have seen other posts you have made and that has just triggerd it, then making the (joking) things in there has obviosly sparked it even more cos it has made him think well wait a mo what a cock he is for actually putting that in cos now he is trying to make me look a cock. thats how i have sort of "assessed" the situation. but when i assess things i dont do a right good job. :P :S anyway, it would be nice for you to give me your opinions and thoughts on the matter mark as i will totally listen to what you have to say. but do you think yourself that your a bit OTT????


Arctic monkeys man listening to them while sat here playing with madonna, yeeeeeeeeee. i love it.

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I dont get it, you start a post for the attention of two people who you probly have MSNs for anyway, then when it get closed you start a thread moaning about it and at the same time telling everyone else to have a laugh :P

If you dont have mods you end up with the mbuk/trialskings style forums, remember how good they were? :S

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no i dont :P lol

which two people were you on about?

would be nice to know :S :lol: please tell me.

also i put to what i thort was right in my eyes about how other people may receive mark in the way that he posts or should i say in the way he comes across in his posts. im trying to stop it happening again, and about my other post that got closed thats not a problem, i wont share informative information or a laugh any more with the forum through chit chat il keep it to myself and have all the laughter i can with it. then it deffo stops things being closed and you thinking that im being off about it :P if thats all kool with you moderators? save time effort and heart ache.

that is serious i aint taking the piss. id rather keep things to myself and not contadict myself in me trying to stop problems arising. no point trying to stop it then trying to start it again is there.


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I'm sure posting personal jokes was something vaguely against the rules, because usually they're shit for others. Anyways, if you can't see how people getting so annoyed with me they make a fan club of people who hate me with about 4 leaders, who seem to think they're all oh so original, I dunno what's going on in the world.

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no i dont :P lol

which two people were you on about?

would be nice to know :S :lol: please tell me.

also i put to what i thort was right in my eyes about how other people may receive mark in the way that he posts or should i say in the way he comes across in his posts. im trying to stop it happening again, and about my other post that got closed thats not a problem, i wont share informative information or a laugh any more with the forum through chit chat il keep it to myself and have all the laughter i can with it. then it deffo stops things being closed and you thinking that im being off about it :P if thats all kool with you moderators? save time effort and heart ache.

that is serious i aint taking the piss. id rather keep things to myself and not contadict myself in me trying to stop problems arising. no point trying to stop it then trying to start it again is there.


How many topics have you ever had closed? Thats the first one I know of.

Eitherway if you want to be like that then fine, it doesnt bother me, but no one is telling you to do that..

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yours posts are taken serious by fellow members cos you post alot and some of it i can only feel from an opinion point of view irritates the tits off people.

In the same way that other people's posts "irritates the tits off" me? Yes, we're all on T-F, but think about it: We aren't all going to get along. Think about it - at school, you have your different groups of people. They're all at the same place, but they aren't all getting along. There are groups of friends in there, but the groups aren't going to get along with each other. Before anyone says anything else about my posts or whatever - I'm not saying "I hate you all" (note: I said "NOT", before anyone quotes that :S), or anything like that. I just mean that you've got to expect that you won't get along with everyone. So the way I post might annoy someone, but to be honest with you, I don't really care. I'm not out to please everyone. If someone doesn't get where I'm coming from, then they're probably not people who know me that well. I can keep friends fine, and I'd say on rides and stuff I'm friendly to talk to, but with the amount of shit I get on here for moderating (like in NMC getting blamed for not validating people/for validating other people, when I can't even validate people in the first place?) I can't be arsed reaching out to everyone. Again, I'm not saying I'm having a go at you Wayne or whatever. We haven't always seen eye to eye, but I still remember that you sent me your Xen just so I could see if it'd fit. I know from that one act and from the way that other people talk about you taht you're sound, so I try and keep that in the forefront of my mind, but as I said - we don't always see eye to eye. I don't want to hold a grudge with you or anything though.

but to me if i was a neutral person i would be thinking that your a bit of a cock in the respect of some of your posts which maybe how "jix" took it,

You've missed the point I was trying ot get across. My post was:

I hate the way I/we am/are being played for chumps, but still, if we've got Akkers releasing video footage now that can't be bad I guess. Even if they're all luring us into a DVD-buying death :P

The stand-out move for me was that 90 gap to wall-tap to 90 back onto that wall. That was pretty fly...

From what Jix replied with, it looked like he hadn't read past the first comma. He said I didn't like the videos or anything like that, when I clearly did (Andy T even quoted part of that and agreed with me about part of the video which I'd said was good?) which you could tell from that post on it's own, but also from other posts in the thread. I think I was one of the first people to reply, and I made some comment about how it was cool he was doing it on a T-Raptor or something... but anyway, I said I liked the video, which he was disputing. As I also said on page 1 about Jix:

That is why I replied to him and was a bit harsh, when perhaps I needn't have been.

Personally, I don't think (like other people said in that thread) that I went as "mental" as everyone seemed to be implying? I was stressing about my theory test that I had 3 hours after I made that post, and I felt like shit 'cos I've got some kind of flu type piece of shit trying to kill me (which may have made me a bit more irritable which could explain the post...), but not that in particular. If it came across that I was ultra harsh to you, I didn't mean it like that basically.

At the end of the day though, if people don't like me on here I'm not too fussed. Out of the 4,000 active members on here I've met approx. 50-60. So really, if some gimp in NMC hates me 'cos he thinks I validated his friend before him it doesn't matter. I'm still going to go for a ride tomorrow whether he wants me dead or not. I'm not going to go out of my way or change who I am to try and make someone else like me. I have my 'group of friends' around here from my bands, my riding and work and other stuff too, and that's all I need really. Whether someone from Wherever, UK likes me is beside the point.

But yeah, all this said - I'm not holding a grudge against you Wayne. You seem pretty sound from what other people have said, so I'm willing to believe them even if we've fallen out.

<insert hugging emoticon>

Edited to get rid of those f**king monster tags that appeared from nowhere :P

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iv had a couple or 3 closed, but thats not the point tom, and for starting new ones i wont start new ones that i feel is chit chat or trials chat unless its something that would be a "forum" discussion. im not botherd to be honest, theres more than this forum in life. im just here as i have met alot of good friends here, its just you dont want to get into silly discussions that ends up in falling out in peoples favor or not in their favors as they have mis interpreted what someone has said. :S

but hey look on the birght side am off to bed, its friday tomoz, this means its nearly the weekend and i can possibly if money allows go and have a good weekend on bike and at work. :lol: :P :P

i was just trying to advise someone in one of my posts of how they come across weather it rectifies itself is another matter, if it doesnt then i will probably hear the same old next week, except il sit back relax and laugh and think " well that one was obvious" or i may start to think what i was thinking before earlier this afternoon that this place is/can be a good social and nice place to talk and give my advice. maybe it aint but for the people that have asked for and have accepted my advice then it goes to show that there are people that may wish to ask me questions and get fair answers.


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i was just trying to advise someone in one of my posts of how they come across weather it rectifies itself is another matter, if it doesnt then i will probably hear the same old next week, except il sit back relax and laugh and think " well that one was obvious"

You can just call me Mark :S Anyway, I replied to you on the other page. Think it may have been posted whilst you were writing your reply, so just thought I'd better let you know.

EDIT: f**k me, post-a-thon in the last 2 minutes from everyone else? :P

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dont worry im not going to hold a grudge or anything, i just wanted to let you know how i thort from someone who might not have known how you post how you came across. but hey, like you say you cant please everyone i just sort of wanted to see if you would tone down the way you put things.

im easy. i really gotta go to bed :P lol. am shafted. i just thought of how it could/would be but hey it doesnt matter things will be how thing will be.


take it easy guys and gals. nite.......................... :S

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guys how is this going to look to new members who try hard not to post spam so they can get validated? or for people coming of google possibly interested in joining the forum?

this is a trials forum which means it is specifically for trials, yeah we have a chit chat thats so we can have a bit of a laugh or talk about other things of the subject of trials. However it is not for personal jokes. most of the people here dont seem to be "up there own ass" they just want to talk about trials and not have to read spam about personal jokes.

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