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South West Trials Crew Volume 2

Rich Pearson

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That was awesome. f**king good job :blink:

What I especially liked:


-Porter on the Unicycle

-Alex Pavlou's Mod section

-Doney's warehouse

-The drop to front wheel in the bails bit

-That fit bird that fell off

-Tic's semi-naked body after being sprayed and covered in god-knows what.

f**king mint vid :S

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bloody amazing video, it took me 3hours to download it all though, damn internet!

I appreiciated the editing.

that guy on the kot looks good, few questions/statments:



3.how long was that kot, and what forks is he running?

4.1st footage i've seen from doney's warehouse!

5.well worth the download

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Thanks for the info on the song and it's artist. I went to truetiger.co.uk and they did have some information on them but they did not have the song youngers on the site for sale or for listen. I would contact you through MSN but at the present moment I am not a subscriber of MSN. I will be soon though, so when I subscribe I will get in touch.

Thank you,

Deadly Venom

If you can get on MSN at all mate I can send it to you, otherwise as I'm sure you'll find there will be problems trying to download their music. Try and get on MSN for a chat mate and we'll sort it all out. :blink:

The best trials moive ever made! That was imense.

And that gap by cls to the little tree trunk was HUGE !!!

thank you, just...thank you. And the CLS clip doesn't do it justice. I should have done it with sound so as you can hear me, Sam Wheeler and Tom Chilvers screaming ourselves hoarse when he landed it. Was an amazing move, especially since the entire Koxx team plus Ceaser Canas and Ot Pi said than none of them would have done it. Legend.

-Tic's semi-naked body after being sprayed and covered in god-knows what.

f**king mint vid :S

Talcom powder mate, took me and Wheeler nearly three hours to clean it all up...

bloody amazing video, it took me 3hours to download it all though, damn internet!

I appreiciated the editing.

that guy on the kot looks good, few questions/statments:



3.how long was that kot, and what forks is he running?

4.1st footage i've seen from doney's warehouse!

5.well worth the download

the guy on the kot (Alex Pavlou) is very f**king good, he also edited both the sections of himself (the python and the 26" section) and considering he;s only been riding for a year, just wait and see what he's got in store.

1. Newton is where the doneys live, just north of Bournemouth, and it is called Newton, not newtown. Oh, and yeah, revel for revell was a spelling mistake...

3. Alex's Kot was a 1065 standard model, with which he ran echo pure forks.

4.Expect to see more and better footage of Chris Doney's in the GetDvd. Nicky G got some amazing footage that day.

5. Thank you.


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1. Newton is where the doneys live, just north of Bournemouth, and it is called Newton, not newtown. Oh, and yeah, revel for revell was a spelling mistake...

3. Alex's Kot was a 1065 standard model, with which he ran echo pure forks.

4.Expect to see more and better footage of Chris Doney's in the GetDvd. Nicky G got some amazing footage that day.

5. Thank you.


I live in newtown so I know the name, and its about 45mins away on the train from bornemouth station.

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I live in newtown so I know the name, and its about 45mins away on the train from bornemouth station.

Just mapquested it... yep... its Newtown. My bad... :)

Isn't there also a place near Newtown called Newton though? I could have sworn that was why I got so damn lost trying to get to Doney's...

Carl, first I've heard on the jerky stuff that you're discribing, everyone else seems to have been playing it fine. Have you tried running it though DivX player at all? Otherwise, I'm not sure what could be happening. It should just play in standard Media Player...

Cheers for replys people, keep 'em coming.


Edited by karsonlevoret
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Shes blatantly taking part in a nuts advert...

LMFAO, best I've seen so far. :D :angry:

tv.isg.si still doesn't work :P

It was screwing around a bit earlier (only downloading files as HTML documents, whatever the hell that was all about...) but it seems fine now mate, give it another try... :ermm:


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Thats the best video ive seen in a while, and for how long that is i never got bored once, GOOD JOB!!

Also there must be a bail vid to follow a long vid like that, there was only a few in there :)

Have a look at the section about 5 mins into part 2. I'm pretty sure thats the bails/crash section :P.

Glad you liked the vid.


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To be honest, there isn't much i can say that hasn't been said already. Was damn good, and some of the riding was a beast. Editing was nice too. Instead of the editing taking over, or the riding taking over, they sort of stood on the same level, complimenting each other, which was cool.

So anyway, adding all other comments into my post from past posters, and adding on;

You stole my song. :P

However, i'm going to let you off, as yours was a remix, and mine wasn't. Spiderbait - black betty for the win. Damn well love that song, even if yours was a remix. :)

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Wicked video dude! I know how hard putting mega long vids together is.. hats off to you sir! Like others, ive never seen Chris's warehouse before, no doubt a lot of fun! He's a lucky bugger, getting all the bike show obstacles!!

I think the file sizes could have been smaller... smaller frame size on export - probably would have run better on people's computers - although it ran perfectly on mine, no complaints.

I was confused, however, as my name is in the credits... and im not actually in the video!?

Now for desert...


Mmmmmm, tastes like peaches!!... and cream, delicious!

J :P

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To be honest, there isn't much i can say that hasn't been said already. Was damn good, and some of the riding was a beast. Editing was nice too. Instead of the editing taking over, or the riding taking over, they sort of stood on the same level, complimenting each other, which was cool.

So anyway, adding all other comments into my post from past posters, and adding on;

You stole my song. ;)

However, i'm going to let you off, as yours was a remix, and mine wasn't. Spiderbait - black betty for the win. Damn well love that song, even if yours was a remix. :P

Wicked video dude! I know how hard putting mega long vids together is.. hats off to you sir! Like others, ive never seen Chris's warehouse before, no doubt a lot of fun! He's a lucky bugger, getting all the bike show obstacles!!

I think the file sizes could have been smaller... smaller frame size on export - probably would have run better on people's computers - although it ran perfectly on mine, no complaints.

I was confused, however, as my name is in the credits... and im not actually in the video!?

Now for desert...


Mmmmmm, tastes like peaches!!... and cream, delicious!

J ^_^

Cheers guys. You two are idols of mine when it comes to video making and I'm really glad the hard work me, Alex and all the other guys put into this has payed off. (Y)

Jonny; you are in the video! You introduced the bikeshow section! :S :P But I know what you mean, the credits was actually one fo the first sections I finished and so there are some riders in there (Tic Hayden) who didn't actually appear in the vid riding, and there are some people who rode but weren't credited (Davetrials). There are also quit a feew spalling nistakes (which ash has kindly pointed out to me already... (Y) ) which I noticed when the vid was uploading, but meh, people liked it so I'm happy. But apologies to anyone who didn't get a mention, you know who you are.

Simon; :P

I don't know what happened but tv.isg.si still doesn't work for me ;( my connection is very good.

I want that vid ;(

Tv.isg.si seems to be having a lot of problems at the moment about bandwidth; whether thats to do with my vid taking up so much space I don't know, but I'm sure account holders will be notified in due time when push comes to shove. If you have MSN you're welcome to add me and I can send the vid to you (karsonlevoret@hotmail.com). Otherwise if someone can suggest an alternative host I'll whack it up again.

anyone else having problems with tv.isg.si? looks sadly as though it may go the way of trials-shack... :) :ermm:

Cheers for the replies people, the caption competition responses are just making me laugh more and more.


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Jonny; you are in the video! You introduced the bikeshow section! (Y) :P But I know what you mean, the credits was actually one fo the first sections I finished and so there are some riders in there (Tic Hayden) who didn't actually appear in the vid riding, and there are some people who rode but weren't credited (Davetrials). There are also quit a feew spalling nistakes (which ash has kindly pointed out to me already... (Y) ) which I noticed when the vid was uploading, but meh, people liked it so I'm happy. But apologies to anyone who didn't get a mention, you know who you are.

I 'featured' in the video 4 times though :P (6am wake up :) Wheeler chasing me trying to whip me with a stick :ermm: random face shot flashing for a few frames and finally right at the end when Wheeler successfully whipped me with the stick...)

I still cant believe I am practically naked in a video on the internet! Its something I would never have thought would happen to me ;) It was a bit cold and it was deffinately too early considering we had ridden the day before and didnt get to bed till like 1am/2am. After that 6am wake up call we rode Dartmoor all day and didnt finish until late due to the loverly long days of the summer!

I enjoyed the video aswell Rich! I will have to get myself down to a lot more rides with you guys!!! :S

Finally just to be annoying, Abingdon isnt in Wiltshire, its in Oxfordshire ^_^

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Jonny; you are in the video! You introduced the bikeshow section!

Ohh yea!! Totally missed it! Sorry if I looked like I was coming across quite arrogant, I think it was just the buzz of the weekend, everybody was having a good time and I was getting quite nackered. Not the best intro to one of the biggest shows of the year, my ugly face haha!


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