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South West Trials Crew Volume 2

Rich Pearson

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Hey all,

I’ve been banging on about this video for a while now and here it finally is.


Tv.isg.si links, 38minutes in total.

This film was shot and edited by Rich Pearson (me) and Alex Pavlou (Ashton_Rider in new members [validate? :( ])

The video features footage from all of the last year, from street sessions in Taunton to the Bikeshow in Coventry.

Hope everyone enjoys the vid, its taken a year to make so I hope its worth it.

Big thanks to everyone who helped make this video happen, and especially to those people who have been up with me the last few nights via MSN helping me get it all sorted. You know who you are.

Any comments, good or bad are welcome. :S


As some people may have guessed by now, SWTC Volume 2 is quite large, so we’ve decided to give someone the chance to just outright win a copy of Volume 2, on VHS, for absolutely free.


(The pretty looking face in the pic is me by the way, after being awake for something like 20hours rendering this damn video…)

Anyway… All that people have to do in order to have a chance of winning this is to have a look at the still shot below of Bens lady friend Theresa having a go at trials, a shot which was taken from the film, then post on here with a caption they think would suit the pic.


We’ll say closing date for entries is November 30th, on which day all of you lot can judge who's caption is the best. Whoever gets the most votes, wins. Simple.

Note: This video is NOT for sale in any way or form. Just thought I’d get that out the way before the legal team behind A Perfect Circle throw me in the deepest, darkest hole they can find…


Rich Pearson and the South West Trials Crew.

Edited by karsonlevoret
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Rich, I watched the trailor for this the other day and it saus "Coming, in September 2005" and I was about to email you trying to find out where the hell it was. Anyhow, it'll be 1hour 30mins before I get everything and by then someone with a much larger connection / bigger penis :( will have watched it before me. This best be worth it Rich!

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Ello Rich KEV YEAR!!

Nice to see that you got the video done now, Im downloading it now about 25 mins left for the both of them so i will watch them and let you know what i think! Mit be down way again soon though not sure if it'll be this weekend as i have conjunctivitus shit at the moment so i aint riding, Grr!! anyway see you soon im sure!


p.s. new bike on the way!!! :(

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you told me ti would be finished on tuesday :S :P :( :)

ive been waiting ages for this (Y) itll be a while before its downloaded.... about 2 hours probably.... i best go build my hifi up then....

strange thing about ti being shot over a year will be the progression!

compared to how you are now, you were pretty shit a year ago (Y) if that preveiw you sent me on tuesday is anything to go by.... this should be pretty sick!

is there anything from our bone hill ride back in june?

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I dunno bout u guys, but i can get really bored wen watching long vids, but this one is absolulty brilliant, i was compeled to watch every second!

I set both part1 & part2 on the download at same time, i ended up with part 2 first as its smaller file but all in all took just over ahour to download!

If ur not sure weather to download or not, trust me you want to, if u dont ur missing out on a lot! AND I MEAN ALOT!

Rich top work on this one mate,





I wanna ride now (Y)



Oh and my caption for the lil comp!


I like it doggy style!

Pie signing out!

Edited by SteveS
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that was ace, every section was put togethyer really well and the riding was all awesome to watch, gotta admit i loved the bails the best though. :(

very well done. :S

just remembered, gap to the TV! hahahahahaha. mint.

Edited by RicH_87
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That was one of the best videos i've ever seen on this forum :) everything was great about it and i think the credits had to be the best twas brillient! Ha and my whole family got a thankyou! classic

Guess i'm gonna have to start getting over my fear of being filmed and get on the next vid :(

My caption


Ben had taken the small seat trend a little far, as his girlfriend found out later when she tried to dismount his bike only to find that it was lodged up her bum :S

If i don't win i'm getting a copy anyway ok Rich!

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rich-you are a beast! no idea what the smashing yourself in the head with a tray was all about.... but at the time your hair was looking pretty gay! so maybe you were going through a rebelious stage!

awesome vid man! who the hell is this alex guy? have i met him? hes a bit good isnt he?

have fun mate

roll on SWTCV3/2006

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Just got back in from College...erm... thanks everyone! Didn't think the vid would take off so well. I was expecting it to just crash and burn, but then I have watched it about thousand times myself...

Dave, cheers for the reply, the doney's video wouldn't have been half as good without all the stuff I filmed of you. :S At the last comp Ol' Man Graves was talking about doing another charity ride thing at Doney's, this time for the Pakistan earthquake, and he said it would be sometime early in December... If I can make it I will, but just riding this time, I spent too much time filming last time...

Just checked out the situation with tv.isg.si and it appears that the whole sites down, as I can't get onto it from anywhere, not just my own pages. Whether this has something to do with Volume 2 or not I don't know and honestly can't do anything about it as I can't even get at my account! Erm, someone help!

Thanks again for the comments guys, glad everyone's enjoyed it.


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hey rich, any chance of burning it onto a dvd for me, ill be willing to pay some coinage if your willing :S


Caption comp: After trying to teach her to go to front wheel, in hindsight he thought maybe a trackstand would of been better

Edited by Man On A Mission
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Rich, I wish I had more time to tell you how f**king good that was.

Your taste in music son is awsome and I couldnt of chosen better tunes myself, espically, Soil-Halo :lol:

What amazed me most was the fantastic editing, so slick and kept me interested.

Wellll worth the wait for this matey, we gotta ride more often.

Us barny bears should join forces with you taunton timmys more often. Get some more vids made.

I've only watched part 1 at the mo, i have the other and will watch tomorrow.

Cant wait, im sure it will be beasty.

BTW, loved the into, totally original

Speak soon mate

Rob! :S :P :P

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i think its because that natural section is probably one of the best ive ever seen

Not kidding, but that actually brought a tear to my eye. I'm so happy people liked this vid. I don't know about the past 11 minutes, I think tv.isg.si is having a few problems, but hopefully in a few days it'll sort itself out.

Rob, we will definately be riding together soon. Havn't ridden barney in nearly four years...

Thanks again.


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These videos are well above excellent!!! I really like the mix of serious street and natural riding with a bit of comedy. The editing was also top notch. One question about the music, in the natural section of video one what song is playing? I read the credits and I think it's called "Youngers" by True Tiger, is this the name of the song and it's artist? I tried looking for the artist and the song but could not find any information on the song or the artist.

Ride On,

Deadly Venom

Edited by deadly venom
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One question about the music, in the natural section of video one what song is playing? I read the credits and I think it's called "Youngers" by True Tiger, is this the name of the song and it's artist? I tried looking for the artist and the song but could not find any information on the song or the artist.

the song used in the Natural video is indeed called Youngers, which was written and performed by a guy called misty dubs of True Tiger, and urban/underground group in West London one of my mates at Uni knows. If you have a look on their website (www.truetiger.co.uk), you may be able to find some more info, but they're a very small yet talented group so you may have some difficulties finding their music on the web. Add me to MSN and I can send you some of their stuff if you like.




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Thanks for the info on the song and it's artist. I went to truetiger.co.uk and they did have some information on them but they did not have the song youngers on the site for sale or for listen. I would contact you through MSN but at the present moment I am not a subscriber of MSN. I will be soon though, so when I subscribe I will get in touch.

Thank you,

Deadly Venom

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