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New Online Street Trials Magazine - Input Wanted


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How do all

I'm currently working on a new free online magazine dedicated to street riding and street trials. It'll be available over the web in PDF format, hopefully bi-monthly and will be dedicated to riding man-made stuff in town centres.

Its going to be light hearted and there will be plenty of piss taking but also indicative of what we do. I wondered if anyone had any ideas as to what they'd like to see? Already got some stuff lined up (hell I've even bought a new camara) but is there something you'd like, an interview maybe or a bike test?

Either hit me on here or pm me or something. All ideas welcome and you might even get a Marsbar if we use it.


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I'd like to see...

Interviews with riders, but asking different things to what people usually asks

good idea, but at least keep most of the interview related to riding.

Pro bike checks - photos and specs

include comments from the rider too, plus maybe a few non pro's would be good like tim pratt, john shrews, porter, just throwing a few names in here to get the idea

Good quality photos all round - no badly compressed JPEGs

maybe even include with ride/jam reports (Y)

Riding spot details with good photos, possible maps too

how to's - often good, maybe for a few non standard trials moves too, fufanus, abuhbaka's (sp?) 180 gap, 360 static drops, tyre taps. good sequential pics.

a few good reviews, maybe!

maybe a non ridey section, music, films and random stuff - not too big though

well written and no spelling mistakes and stuff

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It sounds like an awesome idea mate. I agree with what others have said, it's always good to have pictures of broken parts( Maybe a small section at the back with a count of parts broken since the magazine first went into publishing. I.e punctures chains etc), bails and injurys are always good also. A riders page would be good so we know who it is that is riding, what bike and where. Do you know what the magazine is going to be called yet?

A marsbar eh, sounds interesting :( .

Edited by tom_wilko
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I'd like to see...

Interviews with riders, but asking different things to what people usually asks

Pro bike checks - photos and specs

Good quality photos all round - no badly compressed JPEGs

Trials history

Riding spot details

Everything said there, riding spot details is an excellent idea, becuase no one really takes pics of riding spot places.

Have comps, where people send in pics.

Not a fan of the product reveiw myself, becuase one persons can vary from another (due to how lucky they have been with the product basicly), unless your going to be the input from alot of people.


Edited by JT!
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this is what id like to see in a mag,

new places- go to a different location every issue and take piccys of the spots

interviews- either with the top pros or up and coming riders

how to- different trick taught in a step by step with piccys

new bike/ conpoments- find out whats new on the market

lots of piccys

hope this helps mate and cant wait if this mag goes ahead


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Nice pictures and maybe pull out posters.

Product reviews and where we can get them from. Nexts years products!

Locations of good spots and instructions on how to get there.

Instructions/Tutorials on what moves to pull, how to pull them and when to pull them.

Love the idea of a trials bike mag. Love to see it on the shelfs :blink:

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There should be a page where riders can send in their photos of them doig gaps and drops and stuff like that, like how MBUK have the ' show us your huck ' section on the freeride pages. Also a page for selling stuff like old bike bits and frames etc, like the bargain pages !

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how about asking riders that you interview to do a how to section one trick per rider

also ask em how there bikes ride, cos i always wonder what they think of there bike.

not against the idea, but if they are sponsored they will say its the best bike they have ever riden in most cases.

just saying.

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People have asked about how to's and stuff, how about working out lines for things? i.e. somebody send a pic of something crazy they've bin trying or looked at and soiled themselves with delight the thought of getting up and over it only haven't got a rats arse of an idea how to? would be fun...

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lots of piccys


Yea pic's are very important no1 wants to read loads of boring convo's slagging on and on, i know u aint going to be able to go different places but if you get it know u may be able to hook up with some good riders on MSN and have virtual interveiws if you get me

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