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Hope Disks

tom tom

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They are very powerful, quite bulky though, and with a 203mm disc, it's quite big, so if you've only started and not really got a lot of bike control, its quite easy to snap. If you want a good brake I'd either go for an Avid bb7, or a hope trial :lol:

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Stopping a static wheel from moving, and stopping a moving wheel to static are different things.

Trials needs a brake to be locked (why the Mono Trial was invented) and DH needs to stop a moving wheel (hence the 6 pot was invented)

The 6 pots do nothing for lock, but greatly aid modulation and heat dissipation, neither of which are imperitive for trials.

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just to agree with the general consensus -- its overkill

the main difference in the hope range is how the pistons work to provide modulation and how the heat is dispersed. power wise (talking trials locking power) there isn't much noticeable difference.

plus the brake will be very heavy in comparison to a small specific trials brake.

personal id save my cash and get a hope mono or a magura Julie or Louise.

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ur best off speaking to waynio, he ran one on his ashton for a while, either email him or airevalley, should be able to tell u from expereince

he is using a mono trial now though, if that gives u a hint at what to get

The one waynio had is the one i ran for 9 months, and i loved every minute of it.

So much stopping power its unbelievable but you can also get great modulation from the brake.

I have used maguras, vee's mini and C2 before and the 6 pot takes all the best qualitys from each brake and none of the bad ones, plus its hope, so anything goes wrong and a couple of 1st class stamps and its all sorted for you :P i would consider this brake other than anything else.

Here's a quick pic. of me with my 6 pot :'( DSC00025.jpg

Lovatt :D

Edited by lovatt
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Tom, is this for front or back?

If for front, it definately is overkill and will just add weight. A mono trials, a mono m4, an old mini or an old M4 would be much better suited for front trials application.

If its for the back, then go for it- you have such a beefy disk mount on that frame. You would probably still be better off with an old style m4 for the back though, as previously mentioned, the 6 pots are more for modulation and heat dissapation than pure lock.


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they first set of maggies I had back in the day i got from the states and forgot that they have their levers the other (wrong...!) way round, so until i swapped em over i just put the levers on upside down, worked just as well...

The Hayes ones i use are universal. They call them "flip-flop" levers. I call that name "gay"

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i would agree with most other people that they are a overkill.In my opinion i dont think they are that good because i have spoken to many downhillers about them and they say that only work well if you have them constantly on going down a downhill course.

Also they are not designed specifically for trials more for freeride/dowhill so i reckon you should maybe use the fifty pounds you were going to use to buy one on saving for a hope mono trial

i have just got a hope mono trial today and they are amazing and are alot better than hs33s so go for one of these instead of a 6 pot. (Y) (Y) :)

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hang on just one second. this guy has 50 quid. he can get what is probably the most powerful disk out at the moment. i personally dont think there is such a thing as too much lock or hold and the 6pot would provide lots of this, it would also provide loads of modulation. sounds ok to me. go for it.

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Its also the most expensive disc at the moment, not to mention the second heaviest after the gustav. save your money and go for a mono mini, a hayes 9, a julie or a juicy and just get a big rotor. my hayes has more than enough power and I only run a 6" disc, and that cost me half of what a hope 6 does....

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