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Bikes On Trains


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Shouldn't be a problem, juust they can be bitchy about space on the trains but they don't normally mind (fun memories of my mtb being kegged in mud, and gettin sum pissed off looks, good times) the gner sight says to ring about space but it doesn't matter because everytime you do some one else will have a bike with them (god bless sod's law) so no worries about it!

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i have been on a train several times to get to rides and places with my bike they havent said anything to me about not being able to take my bike with me on the trian and i havent had to pay extra just a standard ticket

so i dont see why it would be any problem for you

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If you don't wanna enjoy the funtasticness of not being able to get to your destination with your bike, you can reserve a space for your bike on any train. Max. charge is £1, and many places do it for free. They give you an additional blue ticket, and they typically write the time/departure on the ticket. I get one every time I go by train with my bike simply because I've encountered sketchiness before, and there's nothing like seeing a train guard who's having a go at you for taking a bike on a train get totally pwned when you whip out the litte blue ticket :-

But yeah, £1 max, guaranteed bike-age. They can even throw other people off the train if you come on, have a bike ticket (and the others don't), and there's nowhere for your bike :P

So yeah, I'd do that personally. When you ask for your ticket, ask to reserve a bike too.

Simple as that. Like I said, paying £1 at most is better than not getting to your ride/getting home...

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ive just check what operator it is (virgin) with virgin you MUST book a bike space before you travel, i learnt the hard way :P


Same here

Some Scottish twat at Lancaster made us wait 4 hours for a train, wouldn't let us on because Rossi was riding the platform.

So when a train arrived (virgin one), rossi jumped on and held it up for 5 mins lol, costs virgin £150 per minute if they don't leave the station intime.

Stupid rossi!!! lol

Yea but none of the staff know what they are doing so id just wing it if i was you

Oh they do, never let us on virgin trains without a booking.

You can get your bike on any train other than virgins really.

We have had 13 on a train so we must be allowed lol

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Me and my mate got a Virgin train to Plymouth to and from St Ives yesterday, we had no worries. There is bike carriage right at the front of the train so just plonk it in there and your fine, its free aswell mate.

I was on a Big long train the other week and as i was getting off i saw a sign on the wall saying all bikes £5!! so I rode away... fast.

Edited by tom_wilko
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i was always under the impression they couldnt charge you to take bikes on trains.

if you are on a virgin train they have 4 bike spaces for a train of about circa 200 people.

i got on a train in sheffield going to leeds with 4 bmx lads so 5 bikes there, 2 bikes already on and people who decided that the bike area was for luggage, so as u can guess lots of bikes dumped there. 5 mins before wakefield the "train manager" (ha) comes down and asks for tickets, we all had one each, problems came when we couldnt show him cycle reservations. we explained that sheffields booking system wasnt working which it wasnt but he wasnt having any of it. started being really arsey with us and tried to make us pay half fare for our bikes! when we all said "ur having a laugh mate" he ranted "look u little t**ts stop f**king me around, you're getting off at wakefield"

needless to say we tried not to get off at wakefield and reordered our bikes so that they werent in the way and leeds is only 10 mins down the line, still he threatened us with the police. so we got off and filled in complaints forms :lol:

aside from this i havent had any problems and ive taken my bike on trains pretty much across the country, just be nice if u havent got a reservation and yes AVOID BUSY VIRGIN TRAINS!

finally lock your bike or stay with it some have been known to go walkabout.

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apparantly midland mainline and central trains can charge you £3.50 for each additional bike you take on the train. The ticket guy on the train told me that when i took my mates bike up to town for him so he could meet me there and we could go riding. He was nice though and let me off seeing as its not clearly stated anywhere.

just try and be polite about it and they should be fine with you, but i would suggest booking the bike if so many people have had problems with virgin trains before.

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If you're on the train, they can charge you that much. That's generally because they give you the full fare if you buy a ticket on a train. For example, we went to Newport skatepark by train, so we went Llandrindod -> Craven Arms, Craven Arms -> Newport. We decided to get the tickets on the train. £5.30 to Craven Arms, then £19.90 from Craven to Newport. If we'd have got the tickets at the station, it would've been £20 at max total. So yeah, if you reserve in advance, it should only be £1 or so, because you get cheaper prices for reserving in advance for any ticket.

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i take my bike on the train ALL the time. u can get a reservation ticket upto about 10mins before the train arrives, but best to get it about a day in advance (i think virgin are changing there rules). anyways, the reservation has never cost me anything, provides no extra hassle, and then ur bike is guaranteed on the train. and if anyone has filled the bike area with luggage, tell the train manager to f**k em off! hehe.

just remember, if u don't have a reservation, and someone else needs the space YOU WILL BE KICKED OFF THE TRAIN! no matter where you are, you have to make way for other cycle users with reservations, and train manager won't (usually) let more than 4 bikes on (max. racking space).

having said that, i got on a virgin pendalino (posh first and business class train) without a reservation once. managed to blag my bike into the catering area for the first class passengers, and get a first class seat, dressed in all my sweaty bike gear! thats about £50 worth of blaggage, i think. maybe my record to date......


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there is 1 carriage with a bike on the door with a pink background maybe :S you can put your bike in a area to the right strapp it up e.t.c. and there a 4 seats that you can sit and touch your bike if you want too we always do this if there are more people just wack your bikes in the places where there are 2 seats only lift up the front wheel and balence it there

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