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Cycology-young Enterprise Business


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Most of you will have heard of a scheme that happens in 6th Forms or Collages, Its called Young Enterprise, and basically its a business set up and run by pupils in order to make money via Business etc.

Our collage decided to choose a group of students for this years Business catagory, the owner just happened to know i was into riding and making videos etc, and thought i could perhaps get a group of my friends who would put an idea across about riding and business.

So its our first meeting, we're all sat round a table eating biscuits and drinking cheap coffee and then we got down to business:

> What is our company going to be called?

> What are we going to do?

> How are we going to go about this?

> Membership? (very important)

We firstly decided on the name? The name being "Cycology" I thought of "Trialology" but we decided to do more than one discipline of riding E.g. Freeride so basically it covers all.

[u]What are we going to do?

We are going to have a course and events every 2 weeks on our School Rugby Field, Basically your entering a comp every fortnight, there will be a certain number of sections each in there own catagory level, The course will change every fortnight into something more advanced etc for you to tackle, we will have over 40 blue pallets, skips, cars, Rocks, Giant cotton Reels, pipes in order to make up sections.

CLS will be helping out design the sections, there will be a beginner-novice-inter-expert-elite- catagory for you to ride. At then end of the day (depending on how long the comp lasts) you may ride the sections providing we get permission on how long everybody is allowed to stay on site. Some of the big named riders will also be making an appearence at the comps. Freeride trails are still in discussion at the moment, as there is a large wood next to our site. I Will let you know how that goes.

How are we going to go about this?

The Business Enterprise has given us £400 for shares and to sort out the financial

side of things aswell as insurance (that will cost more). we then found out Last week we have a Further £20,000 to help out with the course and other things if we have to. The course and sections will be held every 2 weeks, if the dates are prosponed we will let everybody know via Trials Forum or on our website.

Obviously we will have builders and machinery brought in for the big stuff like the pipes and they will obviously have to be moved around to make a decent course (Y) we got something planned :lol:


This is still being discussed: you must be a member to ride the course! all safety equipment such as helmets must be worn at all times when competing. Membership will be sorted through our website. If you was to pay £10 for membership it entitles you to enter the comps and a small entry fee each fortnight. But like i said still to be discussed.

Also!!!!!! not forgetting the DVD which will involved all aspects of riding mainly Trials with top names and coverage of the comps we are holding and the demos, should be due out soon depending on how often I travel to all the main rides and events. Price still to be discussed. Edited by me and others. Produced professionally.

just testing the water a little here, some aspects of it are still in development, I wanted to see how many people would be willing to travel to enter the comps, it will be staggering to see such a huge course for everyone to ride and with that amount of money being spents and layed out with the help of some of the more expirienced comp riders and deme riders, it should be an events you DONT want to miss out on!

Thanks alot, Biff!

any queries regarding "Cycology" feel free to post, a time and date will be sorted out very soon, so get practising!

If a mod could move this topic to somewhere a little more "suitable" would be most appreciated

Edited by Biff
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  joshywa said:

sounds cool i'd join depending on where the comps will be held (Y)

Danum 6th Form rugby field

Danum is in a town called Armthorpe

Map directions to the comps will be put on the site! or you could look up Doncaster on a map finder. But not to worry yet still got alot of time to organise it all but we want the comps sorted asap

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I forgot to mention if you win the comp in your catagory:

1st: A frame

2nd: parts (Y) (forks, pads, etc)

3rd: certificate

Our sponsors at the moment are only halfords, more to come hopefully

  pissin_on_the_fence said:

Do you have to have insurance and be licenced?

If you are a Member you are covered under our insurance. Thats why we strictly point out membership!

if there is any other issues regarding membership, insurance and licence i will get back to everyone as there still quite alot of issues we need to look into.

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Where the f**k did you get £20,000 from for a YE business (Y)

At my school it's all going down the drain, a few stupid twats don't seem to do any work what so ever and haven't even paid in some share money.

Anyway sounds good but will be hard to get return if you're spending that much surely...

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Due to not being able to edit my original post, I'm forced to put up a new post so here goes.

I am doing this in order to know/predict the business, and to get an idea on how much I will need to be spending, and how much not to spend.

Could you please fill in the following information, copy the text once complete, then email to my hotmail account, there will be no replies to the 'interest application' just incsase you don't want your inbox clogging up (Y)

The following information is not the actual application form that will be produced when the business takes shape.




Skills Group: Junior, Beginner, Intermediate, Pro, Elite (Please delete all but your skill group)

Bike Size:



Please email this small form to: koxxlevelboss20@hotmail.com

Thankyou for any interest, I will get back to you with more news as soon as I can.



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  SamHolmes said:

Im suprised you arnt validated yet either (Y)

He was got but moved down after abusing other members i belive.

So members on the forum are insured or members to a trials comp are insured im confussed if i am insured as a member ill do my best to get myself down there

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  moe said:

u shud make spinners for trials bikes with ur company

You should make to a school and learn some english.

Biff, it actually all sounds like you're putting a lot of thought and effort into this, so good on you. However, are you sure it's 20k? If every Young Enterprise company had access to 20k, theres a good few thousand schools about, it works out to quite a lot heh.

If you have, then fair do's. Also, you could of got sponsored by a good bikeshop, not hellfrauds. :turned: However, getting sponsored is a task in itself, so well done.

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  Simon said:

You should make to a school and learn some english.

Biff, it actually all sounds like you're putting a lot of thought and effort into this, so good on you. However, are you sure it's 20k? If every Young Enterprise company had access to 20k, theres a good few thousand schools about, it works out to quite a lot heh.

If you have, then fair do's. Also, you could of got sponsored by a good bikeshop, not hellfrauds. :turned: However, getting sponsored is a task in itself, so well done.

The £20,000 was offered to break into if we needed the extra cash which i think we might. Dont think everybody that the courses are going to be small 40+ pallets+pipes+cottons reels+logs is alot so we're thinking BIG! and fun obviously :P.

Edit: only had one application in via Email so far, so send some through so i have an idea of how many people are likely to turn up.

Halfords was my main priority at first, being bike mechanics is helful to have on site, also CLS and Danny Holroyd both work at Halfords so its good to have 2 well known trials riders help out and ride etc, and i know i can get in touch with them if i need them.

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