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Mod And Stock Riders


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I prefer angry explosive moves. Stock bikes seem like everything is done rolling. I find them just so unmanoevurable too

I think the main advantage with stock is rail gaps are easier :D

EDIT: forgot to say, I ride mod and love it ^_^

Edited by PaRtZ
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I prefer angry explosive moves. Stock bikes seem like everything is done rolling. I find them just so unmanoevurable too

I think the main advantage with stock is rail gaps are easier :D

EDIT: forgot to say, I ride mod and love it ^_^

good to hear atleast some one like riding mod and hopefully thinking about changing( i hope :P )

i know there are probably many more mod lovers out there...aare there?


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There are alot of people out there who are doing the exact opposite aswell.

I ride mod, i couldn't ever ride stock, not only because they have hyawdge wheels, but becuase they have all the gearing / SS crap. The only way i wouldn't ride mod is if a 24" bike came out that had horizontal dropouts, and wasn't streety, bit like the zoot i supose.

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I have always prefered stock to mod because mods feel really untable to ride, as if you were going to fall off every time you went for something remotely big. They are suited to static only moves really but I like them for natural and I can hop really high on them because they are so light compared to my beefy t rex. :D

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mods feel really untable to ride,

...which makes it more fun

mods are good because....

they have stupidly fat back tyres and tiny wheels

you can fit them in the back of a punto

they don't have gears (gears are for girls)

i've got one

they look a bit like a stick drawing of a cow on wheels ( is it just me that thinks that? ) - i like cows

people will steal the stock first if you park it next to one :D


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rail gpas are easier on stock??? there no comparison, i used a mod for like 3/4days..........and it was soooooooo much easier than stock for manouverability, but the way that i have adapted to stock i wouldnt go to mod, id stik with stock but someone saying "rail gaps are easier on stock" that is just blind.i found getting upto rails and stuff sooooooooo much eaiser on mod and also the gapping between them at the beginning felt weird cos i wasnt quite used to it, but once i adapted to it it was the same :D no difference its a bike with smaller wheels why that would be affected how it bouncys between rails is a mystery to me if you can prove it to me i will listen but there is no difference wrong kind of information filters round. as usual. i feel for the kids that listen to this bull shit!!!! can people with "constructive" advice put it in a post and not the crap that is above, that really has pissed me off, as it was only the other day i was sending an e-mail to someone and it concerned the lack of good advice that this forum sometimes gives, yet the younger generation of trials have nak all to look forward to cos there getting all the wrong information from kids behind computer screens that are no older or even younger than the person wanting advice. it really does suck im afraid to say. im just glad that the young lads that come riding with me do get a good jist of some truth.

i had the other week "whats the difference between the 2005 and 2006 onza t-pro?" its like ye you've well been on trials forum!!!!!haha


EDIT: dave i would have to disagree with you on that front too, all your "style points come into street riding when trials is about natural comp riding and i was going round with chris walker at the weekend and his style is amazing!!!!same as sam wheeler too, he has some awsum street style and his natural style doesnt change he rides natural like hes riding the street hence this is what makes these riders stand out for me, theres so many riders that have alot of style on 20" its just different people interpret it differently. i was speaking to ben from hull trials the other day and i told him that he has his own individual style that i like to watch in his vids and stuff its just not your boring trials riding style its different.

im just severly miffed that what i was talking about the other day happens like da jar vou!!!! but it does make me laugh more than anything. cos you know its going to happen, anyway getting off going to listen to the arctic monkeys on radio 1!!!! ye baby, this is the shiznit

Edited by Waynio
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There are alot of people out there who are doing the exact opposite aswell.

I ride mod, i couldn't ever ride stock, not only because they have hyawdge wheels, but becuase they have all the gearing / SS crap. The only way i wouldn't ride mod is if a 24" bike came out that had horizontal dropouts, and wasn't streety, bit like the zoot i supose.

rail gpas are easier on stock??? there no comparison, i used a mod for like 3/4days..........

..someone saying "rail gaps are easier on stock" that is just blind.i found getting upto rails and stuff sooooooooo much eaiser on mod and also the gapping between them at the beginning felt weird cos i wasnt quite used to it, but once i adapted to it it was the same (Y) no difference its a bike with smaller wheels why that would be affected how it bouncys between rails is a mystery to me if you can prove it to me i will listen but there is no difference wrong kind of information filters round. as usual.

I have gone from stock to mod, and I TOTALLY agree with JT. It is not "blind" at all. Everyone is entitled to their opinion. I think doing rails on a mod is just soo much more scary to LEARN in the first place. Think about it- imagine gapping to a pinhead with a pinchead as a rear wheel- in your head you would be afraid of going over the rail a bit too much, or hitting it that bit too low and going to bashguard. However, if you had a barrel for a rear wheel and are gapping to a pinhead, there's no shadow of a doubt in your head that you won't make it, unless u under-gap!

Obviously thats a greatly exaggetared comparaison, but its definately how a lot of other mod riders and myself feel about doing rail gaps on a mod. Im sure its just getting over the fear- perhaps doing rail gaps on a stock first would get you over this fear, as you are used to making the gaps and feel it is easy, then doing it on a mod would be less scary.

Also, I personally think dropoffs are a little more scary on a mod, I feel stocks roll off the edge a bit less sketchily, but that doesnt seem to be much of a big deal.

Ideally, I would ride a 24" comp bike with high BB- best of both worlds!

Edited by SQuiT-man
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well well........

a mod has a 2.5" wide ass tyre as standard therefore the surface area and physics of it would say that a mod bike could be easier, but i have ridden both and have ridden the mod in the 3/4 days i had it to the extreme that at some points me riding my stock and i personally feel there is nothing to choose between, stok makes things look smaller and mod makes things look bigger but the bike is lighter, im afraid to say it half a dozen and 2 x 3. its much of a much but for someone to say that iots like me saying

"that 12ft drop was smaller on my mod bike than it was on my stock" ye or nei????

Waynio..................... (Y) :lol: (N) absolutly laughable.

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Wayne, gaps to rails are generally slightly easier on a stock because they have bigger wheels and that gives you a larger margin of error.

How much easier is probally 26 divided by 20 X the height of the rail in T-F inches minus the riders weight...... (Y)

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How much easier is probally 26 divided by 20 X the height of the rail in T-F inches minus the riders weight...... (Y)


T-F inches aren't a solid number though. they get bigger the longer you've been riding. You need another step in the equation.

lets see....

26/20 X (height / years riding ) - riders weight

where ....

height is in T-F inches

years riding is in real years (T-F years vary wildly in length)

weight is in real kilograms

- we really need a maths graduate to think this out properly, i got confused at A-level and went to art college instead

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Its not the width of the tyre, its the size of the wheel that I mean. Im sure its not scary when you are experienced enough, like waynio is, because you already have the confidence and know you have the accuracy to back it but when you are staring out and going to attempt your first rail gaps, hop to backwheel and are about to go for that gap, on a mod it is slightly like "ermmm, am I going to make this?", whereas on a stock there isnt as much fear of overshooting, etc.

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