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Two Brakes,...... One Lever!?


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i was thinking, that you could maby run two brakes off on lever (the front and back, or two front or two back ones)?

well heres how i would do it:

you know the things that bmx'ers have on there gyro where the cable is split into two? well u you could get one of them coming from the lever and the it splits into two cables so a cable rim and a cable disk brake?!

or...even better two hydrolic brakes, instead of the gyro thing you could use on of the little things that people use to split the hosing into two to connect to the back brake.

just a crazy idea that i had! it might work but it would be VERY pointless, but hey, most of my ideas are! so what do you think?

do you think it would work?

i mite try it out one day when i have nothing to do! eg, when it rains!



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well its a good idea because of the extra power ect, but then the brakes would have to be set up exactly the same and hitting the rim together ect, also discs move less so you couldnt have disc and rim ect, it sounds good but when you actually look into it its not realy worth it

hope i helped <_<

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like i said probaly pointless! and fu*k me i wish i cud meet the guy who rides with one hand! i and so glad for him that it didn't stop him riding! the point in they giro thing is just the bit that splitls the cable not the whole giro! and what about the hydrolic ones? would that work?

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Hvaing one leaver powering two avids for exapmle would mean that each avid would recive half the power from the pull of your finger surly? Making it not only pointless, but it wouldn't make it any more powerful.

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I think a bmxer I know done it.

He used the gyro cable idea, one going to one brake on the lugs, the over brake was attached to a 'U' Plate.

Didn't stay on their long. (N)

I didn't actually see it, but heard about it. <_<

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if you are putting one lever to 2 brakes, then i think you might be halfing the power to each on therefore having to pulll harder, i might be wrong though.

also if you need to stop with just the back brake or you are going really fast, you will shoot over the bars.


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Yep its possible your can get a monty hose splitter me thinks but its not going to work because for example maguras and disks you want different fluids of course. buts it means that the same ammount of fluid displacment is resulted in two brakes so the distance that your brakes will move is in theory halved and for each side quartered! instead of halved, its to do with ratio's of the lever and many other factors, its like the kid who had a front free wheel and a back so in theory it was 72 time 72 but still felt shit and spongey i dont think it would effectivly work

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A slight variation here on this idea where two lever are used for 1 brake. Meaning you have to go brakeless on the front...

Solves the problem of power loss as each brake cyclinder works independantly (yeah i no is a cable brake but still)

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Kind of on the mention of screwing around with brakes, i had an idea about playing with a magura so you dont have the wierd cylinder setup (excuse the terms here, i'm a bit of a cocknose with this lol) but you know how on the brake the cable feeds to one cylinder, then to the other one? and you get a slight delay from one pad? well why not just have piping that forks out in a Y shape so you get an even output? Surelt magura have thought of doing that?

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A slight variation here on this idea where two lever are used for 1 brake. Meaning you have to go brakeless on the front...

Solves the problem of power loss as each brake cyclinder works independantly (yeah i no is a cable brake but still)

Yer i've seen a few flatlanders do it but to a front brake so there is no rear brakes. 'Tis because they were learning certain tricks that needed one hand on the brake at one point and the other on the brake later on, was interesting.


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