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My New Frame And Pics Of Me Riding It.

Joe Papasnap Maher

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Afternoon people....

i am now going to tell you a picture story about me and my new frame :)

Once upon a time in far far away house in the middle of fricking no where...lived me.

Me (joe) decided to make the big step and order himself a high bb frame, of which he choose the czar...as its soo goodam sexy and looks like his xtp. He ordered it up from tartybikes at 2oclock monday afternoon, and with there excellent service, i knew i was to recive it the very next day :P

The next day came....and so did the frame at about 1pm. I got it in my bedroom, got it out the box and bam, pure sex.


But Joe was fed up of of silver frame's , soo bamm, 10 minutes later...and the laquer was off.


Now it was time to get busy. Joe wacked out his grey primer, and very carefully primed the whole frame...which then had to repeeated a few time.


primer now done....it was the moment of truth to put on the colour which was a random decision from the ladyfriend..we both agreed on it, standing there in halfords...and i liked it :)


All done and dusted, colour with about 4-5 layers...and a few of laquer...it was all done and in my house for the night in the warm.


Morning came , and it was time to build this badboy up.Few minor hickups along the way being 1) to shorta bolt for headset....so i had to go alll the way to local bikeshop, (Like 10 to miles away (N) ) to buy a star spangle/nut. Not a problem....theni had to grind my finbolts because they wouldnt budge in the frame. What a load of hassle. Then i was on the way....all completed...and dadaaaa <_<


Another pic from the front...can get a better idea of the colour.


And also another pic...colour looks diffrent in every photo (Y)


Then...after...5 minutes of playing about....i attepmted to sidehop 7 pallets....( something i had only ever done ONCE on my xtp, and it was shady as f**k)..the end result being....2nd attempt, swish...proper chuffed i were.


Then erm...by mistake my tongue got out of my mouth again and captured the moment...im proper happy with it.


hOPE you all like my post.and fingers corssed it doesnt get closed.

Thanks for looking in..

Joe :)

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No Joe, silver was fine, it needs to be glossy if you are spraying it brown. <_<

I think it will scratch way too each like your green one did.

BUT it does look ok at the moment. (N)

Oh and wheres the green stickers?

Edited by wally
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looks good, you've come a long way since the yellow px, hahahah (aweful).

unfortunatly it's just not 20" enough for me but that colour is a nice choice. Just wondering also, did it not come with czar stickers on? was that a personal preference or are they all like that?

anyway, hope the paint has cured properly, 1 day is uber quick. <_<

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looks good, you've come a long way since the yellow px, hahahah (aweful).

unfortunatly it's just not 20" enough for me but that colour is a nice choice. Just wondering also, did it not come with czar stickers on? was that a personal preference or are they all like that?

anyway, hope the paint has cured properly, 1 day is uber quick. <_<

ermmm...they do come with stickers as far as im aware..but i asked for them to come seperatly.. and i have them here next to me. Only reason i havnt put them on...is because there hugggggggggeeeee heheh. and i dunno, might clash with the brown..not sure.

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its made by koxx , so it only had a 3 minute warranty :D

It's made by CZAR. A Deng Inc. company, therefor i am assuming it has the same warrenty as any other Zoo/Echo frame.

Tell you what, that looks f**king nice. Can't wait until i can afford my Adamant.

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Definately one of the nicest bikes iv'e ever seen. Well actually, probably the nicest bike i've ever seen.

Paint looks nice, but no doubt you used halfords primer too, which is made for cars, which are steel, not ally :D It'll probably chip like a beast, but it looks great for now!

As for the warrenty, yeah you void that as soon as you took the lacquer off. Unlucky.

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