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What The Hell Happened There Lads?


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Downtime is gonna happen anyway dude. Forum needs a clean up no doute.

Bandwidth..well this place is the home of the trials rider so it gets packed like you local cattle market.

I duno what went on but i was really discusted that they got let in...but i guess they could of sued soemoens acocunt that they left loged in at school or soemthing.

Just asked a mate at work and they said her son's lunch is at 12:45 so they'd be in a lesson right now or they got caught by a teacher or gave up.

Pretty anynod at out place being raided and abused, but we can put a stop to it


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  Wright Pads said:

Downtime is gonna happen anyway dude. Forum needs a clean up no doute.

Bandwidth..well this place is the home of the trials rider so it gets packed like you local cattle market.

I duno what went on but i was really discusted that they got let in...but i guess they could of sued soemoens acocunt that they left loged in at school or soemthing.

Just asked a mate at work and they said her son's lunch is at 12:45 so they'd be in a lesson right now or they got caught by a teacher or gave up.

Pretty anynod at out place being raided and abused, but we can put a stop to it


yeah, i mean apart from the insults being repetitive and well not insulting in the slightest it wasn't even slightly funny. is this the latest craze, terrorize forums for kicks? at least they got flamed quite a bit <_<

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  bridgyisgay said:

yeah, i mean apart from the insults being repetitive and well not insulting in the slightest it wasn't even slightly funny. is this the latest craze, terrorize forums for kicks? at least they got flamed quite a bit <_<

I duno dude, i think all of it was insulting and was not funny in the least. Yeah htye did get flamed pretty bad. Mind if they are outsiders they had a good look around with what they posted up...kinda suspect i say on that case!


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how do you mean "kinda suspect" mate? you think someones account was hacked? or someone told them of trials forum? it seems a bit odd that they chose trials forum out of all the forums on the net. i'm sure if they googled "forums" tf wouldn't be the first to come up. i reckon they saw someone on it and decided to registered and cause unwanted rubbish! <_<

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Its not really worth commenting on not being funny but this is why a new members section is put in place and thing is is that it is oboiusly someone who is on this forum a lot a knows people on it, f**king two faced cheating hypocrites

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  bridgyisgay said:

how do you mean "kinda suspect" mate? you think someones account was hacked? or someone told them of trials forum? it seems a bit odd that they chose trials forum out of all the forums on the net. i'm sure if they googled "forums" tf wouldn't be the first to come up. i reckon they saw someone on it and decided to registered and cause unwanted rubbish! <_<

you sound about right. they've seen someone on t-f and decided it would be funny to have a go on it. or it could just be coincidence when theyve been googling about bikes etc

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Dont talk bout stealing bikes, if yours goes missing talk to the suspect kids and theyll know sonwthing 3 bikes i know ave gone missing ive been able to track back people blagg. I never like the kids that much but if you did id beat the absolute f**k outta them is all they deserve all the time an effort put into your project

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  pissin_on_the_fence said:

Dont talk bout stealing bikes, if yours goes missing talk to the suspect kids and theyll know sonwthing 3 bikes i know ave gone missing ive been able to track back people blagg. I never like the kids that much but if you did id beat the absolute f**k outta them is all they deserve all the time an effort put into your project

thats 2 true mate, i would go ape if my bike was knicked, let alone by chavs like those 2 that were on

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  Danny said:

I think its all gone now and the 2 members have been banned and another member has some questions to answer.

good stuff. was an annoyance. shame kids like that can be such an annoyance. i can now see the purpose of the validation system which t-f uses.

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And aiming direct threats and specific members and so were oboiusly people who we talk to daily on this cant remember what names were involved and probably better that they dont get mentioned, just hope people get punished it wasnt 2 members posting shit it was 2 people together (at school i guess) who were oboiusly NMC on trials forum

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Sorry, I thought it was quite funny. (Y)

I put my opinions through to most of their posts, and took the piss outta them.

Then I saw a topic called Dan6061 - THIS GUY IS ACE!!!

Saying they want to bum me <_<


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  Dan6061 said:

Sorry, I thought it was quite funny. :)

I put my opinions through to most of their posts, and took the piss outta them.

Then I saw a topic called Dan6061 - THIS GUY IS ACE!!!

Saying they want to bum me <_<


I think anyone who took the piss out of them got a topic about them. Dan said he agreed to the one about pete (N) I think, and got a nice gay topic about him. :P

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