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Just A Small Vid


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Hey Really good video luvin all the tricks, 1 problem, should have included a better stack. personally i thort it was a bit on the stupid side. No offence (Y) :o


p.s wear a helmet stuff you were doing some brill stuff but ud have a bit of a headache if u were 2 screw up :( but nice 1 n e wayz :P

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Hey Really good video luvin all the tricks, 1 problem, should have included a better stack. personally i thort it was a bit on the stupid side. No offence (Y) :P


p.s wear a helmet stuff you were doing some brill stuff but ud have a bit of a headache if u were 2 screw up :( but nice 1 n e wayz :P

Non taken my friend as i said the only reason i put it in was it was the lamest attempt trying that wall was no effort at all :o

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Sweet dude, good stuff :D

As for the wearing helmet stuff, is it your body? or perhaps you head? No, so why not leave him to decide whether or ot to wear a helmet? you telling him to wear a helmet is in no way going to make him wear one more, so why not leave opinions to yourself??

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We're just trying to save his life, how do you know he isnt going to fall off and die? then you would tell everyone to wear a helmet, cause then you know how f**ked up it is to loose a mate cause of a stupid thing like not wearing a helmet....

P.S CBA to download the vid, sorry, im off to bed soon, so im knocking my PC off soon, il will download tommorow though :D

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Not bad mate. It was funny, I was looking at some of those lines and thinking, I'd do a static 360 round about now and then BAM you did it. And then concrete plateau type thing where you pivoted onto and then span round. EXACTLY what I would have done :D

Being critical though instead of sucking up to you, I think you hop too much. You've got this crazy lots of tiny little hops thing going on. Something as simple as that drop off with an X-UP. Why not just kick straight to the edge? All that waiting just makes it boring, or we're expecting something special. Same goes for that 90 degree turn before hopping on to that black rail.

Ramsgate looks pretty fun, I'll have to come down for a ride soon.

AFA wearing a helmet, for the first 4 years or something I wore one but then I was screwing up a lot then. Now, I find I don't screw up as much and when I do, it's very rarely my head that is in danger. It's not a high speed sport. That's not an excuse mind you, I should still wear one - but it messes up my hair!! ^_^

It's your choice though mate.

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