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Zoo! Python Or Gu Typhoon?


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Hey im looking to get a new frame for my bike and i have a decision to make, The GU or the Typhoon? i like the typhoon and am swinging on that side at the moment anyone have an idea on which is the better of the two?




Edited by joewhite
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what are you riding now? whats wrong with it? too short? too long? too heavy?

if you already have a python you'll probably like the new python. if you have a monty then you'll probably like the short GU, if you have a t-pro then the 1030 WB GU would probably feel much the same.

if you havent got a trials bike yet why are you buying a £300 quid frame to start on? (forget that bit if you're dead rich)

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(Y) I always wanted a python but now in 06 they're only the CLS 1045 WB and i wouldnt be able to ride that long of a bike. so i ordered a GU. But if you get it soon you could get the 05 YAO ZHI python from select or tarty :blink:

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Its up too you, but it seems to me alot of people are getting the GU now, so if you want to be different then getting the zoo! python could be an option..

every one getting a GU? not long ago i thought every one was complaing about how lots of people have zoo's

back to the point though, i also think it is a personal opinion on what you prefer to ride.

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remember though, the zoo! doesnt have a bash plate and the gu does.(i think).

plus the the has loads of cncing in the critical places to make it stronger.

personally i dont kjnnow which one id go for as i would like the lenght of the zoo cls and a bash plate, so i got a zona.


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remember though, the zoo! doesnt have a bash plate and the gu does.(i think).

plus the the has loads of cncing in the critical places to make it stronger.

personally i dont kjnnow which one id go for as i would like the lenght of the zoo cls and a bash plate, so i got a zona.


GU dosn't have a bashplate. (Y)

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hahaha :P (the top line is the funniest)^^

what a funny little willy!, (N)

get a life mate, and im not being funny or anything but you just look like such a twat.

now run along and go buy some rollerblades or something,but defintely dont come back on here (Y)

<_< so true :)

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they had posted some pretty random posts like. i think i would probably go for the gu just because every other mod rider seems to be on a python these days. stand out from the crowd and ride something different. of course its your money and its an expensive way to be ' different'. but thats my opinion

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