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Whats Your Worst Stack?

Ross Gardner

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I fell off a 5ft wall when i miss aimed the gap and shot over the bars. Landed on my face and knock my self out. In the process i kick myself in the back of the head and was left with a mother of all cuts. I had a scab running from my right eyebrow, down the whole side of my face over my mouth and onto my chin. Basiclly my right side of my face was a scab.

P.S, It was dam tasty

mine was when i did a manual to 35ft drop off . My breaks also failed and i landed straight on my head i broke my ribs in two places and wasn't able to ride for 11months.

Now that is fuc*ing ganster. :( Stack of the forum.

(Hope you are better now)

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Mine was dropping to an upturned cotton reel, so like >O, It was wedged at the botton, dropped to it didn't quite make the centre, hooked up, over the bars, landed face first, just got the hands out, bike landed on me, got up and tried it again.

I seem to be really lucky with bails latly, as if made from rubber, I just end up bailing off like stupid stuff. EG 3ft high drop, caught up, ended up flipping over into a foreward roll, had to dive down a flight of steps before i rolled down them into another foreward roll.

And also the time i was on a portsmouth ride, at the seafront, tried a 270drop off a 38" wall, got caught up, flipped out into a log roll yelling wee, the crowd on the hill were shocked at first when the saw me fall and then laughed and clapped as they saw me rolling out. Was quality.

Sorry for the long post, didn't realise i had that much to say.

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I have had a few, but I mostly got away unharmed


riding on some local rocks, went to drop one foot and my chain snapped, I landed with all my weight with my nuts on my stem, spent a little time in hospital, how embarrasing :(


Riding at tech 04, there was a man made section and one bit we had to gap up to front wheel from a sloped cottol reel up to two stacked on top of each other


Thats me actually doing it a few secs before I fell, as you can see my foot is comming off the pedal, I landed on the reels and put my foot down

Unfortunatly, I lost my balence to my right, I tried to put my right foot down but it was stuck to the pedal.

I fell 6ft onto my back across a curbstone, winded me pretty badly......people said it was the most hardcore crash they ever saw :D


Riding at the bikeshow this year....

I was making my way up the concrete pillars towards one of the highest parts of the course, I went to gap to the back of the trailor but I had arm pump and my brake slipped, I tryed to rescue it with a dab on the thin metal back of the trailor, but my foot slipped off and I fell 10ft ish on to my back.

I landed on my backwheel though (completley destroying it!), but it took the edge off, so I didnt hurt myself too badly (bruised my ribs)

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i have had many bails and inuries but my worst one would have to be when i did this:


i was turning around on a wall and gapping as far as i could to the ground, i then slipped off of my pedal and 'smash' the pedal hit my shin/knee full pelt, taking a chunk of skin out. I went to hospital to have 7 stitches put in. I was in shock more than i was in pain, just the look of having a big hole in my leg lol.

The worst falls ive had are on all the little stuff some how . :(

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Um crankflip to shindig is the worst.....so far or the one that hurt the most. Had to go to boots for some tissue to stop the bleeding which put an awful stain on my socks :(

In terms of falling, tried to fish off 3 foot loading bay, back wheel mid air, front wheel didn't come off and i fell cocyx first down :D

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Mine would have to be when i first started trials. I was trying to drop off six pallets, but the thing was i was not very confident at drops at that time i was realy trying to get them nailed and so i was about to do it when a voice in my hed said ,( hold on a sec you wont make this) and at that time i was at the ege of the drop so i just sort of nose dived of the ege and my shin had a nice little collision with my vp pedal and it riped all the skin off on the front of my shin so all i could see was a nice long bit of white bone :( plus i had to then drag my bike all the way back round the front of homebase just to get noticed. but since that day i have never bottled a drop off so in a way it helped me a little bit :D

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Mine would have to be when i first started trials. I was trying to drop off six pallets, but the thing was i was not very confident at drops at that time i was realy trying to get them nailed and so i was about to do it when a voice in my hed said ,( hold on a sec you wont make this) and at that time i was at the ege of the drop so i just sort of nose dived of the ege and my shin had a nice little collision with my vp pedal and it riped all the skin off on the front of my shin so all i could see was a nice long bit of white bone :( plus i had to then drag my bike all the way back round the front of homebase just to get noticed. but since that day i have never bottled a drop off so in a way it helped me a little bit :D

holy f**k that is the same thing that happend to me i just got a koxx tricks with vps and i did a drop and the vps ripped the flesh of my shin and i could see the bone

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When I used to ride BMX I was dropping into metal quarterpipe, with wet tyres. Front wheel slipped under me and I landed full pelt on the end of the handle bars into my abdomen. Lovely internal bleeding and 6hours in hospital. The bruising afterwards was a beauty, all down my front from my chest to my knees!

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i was backhopping on to a bollard and over shot the bollard and landed on my A** all i could do was sit their on the bollard because i had a sevear deadleg LMAO, i was laughing but i was in pain, thats all i could do, just sit their and laugh. hurt for a few days couldnt sit down properly lol

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