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What's The Deal With Bashplates


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Why are some people telling others that they shouldn't get a Gu or a zoo python as they do not have bash plates on them.

Do you really and I mean really need one as most stocks I've seen just have a bashring and that's it. At the momnet I have just a plate.

I'm asking if they are a key esseinsial(sp) to protect you bike as thats what a bash ring is for anyway.

toby :(

I would lkie the Gu that's why I',m asking

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People get on fine with both. I love my bashplate and wouldn't buy a bike that coulnd't take one. But people get on with rockrings, it's personal prefference like eveything else. :(

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  JT! said:
People get on fine with both. I love my bashplate and wouldn't buy a bike that coulnd't take one. But people get on with rockrings, it's personal prefference like eveything else. (Y)

Perhaps, but people also seem to think that a bashring is a bad idea as it'll break your bike quicker or whatever. Saying it's a weaker system and so on, when it's not. I dunno... I guess it's just that a lot of people have invalid reasons for thinking that bashrings are worse.

To each their own, I guess...

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it makes no difference at all as long as you dont slap your bottom bracket into stuff...

a bashplate clearly protects your bike more than a bashring - mostly because its bigger. As far as i understand it you arent allowed to go to bash in UCI trials comps which explains the rash of bashplate free frames.

If you dont ride comps and have a tendency to slip off the corner of walls when pedalling up them i'd say a bashplate was a necessity

that said , the gu is looking rather tasty, i might buy one of them when im sure they dont break

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Same here as it does and can damage the frame like when I ride I was slipping and people were getting stressed saying arggh dont land on the bash. Later ash said that it will break your frame with all the pressyre going into the points. They shoudl make a welded one to cover the bb with no bolts to put tons of pressure on. Like a pin head thats why they peice easy as it's got pressure on that tiny spot.

So like a thick plate but at the same time light. well doesn't matter about lightness but that could be an idea to use: already attatched bash or a really thick and oversized bb cup.

toby (Y)

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I like bashplates, people look at you funny and are like "why you got a paice of metal there? and why havent you got a seat? (usual bits) and i thnk they make your bike more "trialsy" and they make a mess of concrete and benches...

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  stevyn said:
but when you land on a rockring you go over to the side unless you balance straight away.

also there is more chance of you killing your bb,chainring,freewheel.


That doesn't seem to happen to stock riders much? In the same way the 'flaws' of not having a bashplate brought up in this thread don't seem to happen to stock riders either?

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