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Leeds Christmas Ride

Gaz M

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im coming now. coming up in the morning on the 27th gotta get the 5:44am from bournemouth and i arrive at leeds 13:03. its about 7hrs. shall be gd (Y)

ps: can someone send me there no, so i give them a ring when i get there otherwise i wont know where you lot will be. cheers.

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  TomN said:

Ah this ride is getting beasty (Y) Can't wait. That's mint ye making the journey for this ride, love to see ye ride again since you was on ye giant.

yeah that was february this year i should be coming up on my new frame, czar ivan 1125 wheel base with a lil bit more than +60 bb rise :P

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Quick question for leeds locals. In the train station do they have some sort of lockers.

Me and caleb are staying at my dads we are getting the train 2 leeds with our bikes and bags for the week to stay at my dads in halifax. Where going stright to leeds with the reest of the blackpool lads then later getting train back to our dads.

Long story short are there any lockers.

So far from blackpool:

Me : team 05

Caleb : Zona zip

Fenton : t-pro

Diddy : t-pro

Boyd: Pitbull 06

Clarky : Coust

Kyle (hinchblob) : Adamant


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  Ali C said:

be sure to get lots of pics and footage of the police arresting everyone (Y) (and maybe some of any riding that gets done)

This is what im thinking, the last time i went leeds we got thrown off a few places and made it very boring and it was something like a hour and 20 min drive giving it some so im not sure.

Anyone have anyideas what the police situation will be like from previous experiances?

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  leedstrials said:

there is a baggage storage desk thingy opposite maccy d's (Y) - i am off to the station tonight actually so will enquire if its open next week!


That would be great. Cheers for the help guys (TomN, Callops, leedstrials)

Last time i rode leeds we got kicked off the uni by one security gard who continued to follow us for a good 10 minutes. Apart from that everything was sound.

It was crowded for the riders that can go big but for people not so good like me we split into little groups met some new people and enjoyed the day.

peace out :turned:

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