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Im Pissed And Sorry,,

smelly joe

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  random said:

Guys you've no respect for this place or the memebers on here. You need to be shown the door or banned for ever and you isp's blocked and noted.

You should be banned again. For good this time.

  Dan-slicktrixtrials.tk said:

=more money Tom and Danny have to spend.

No one makes them do it. They don't 'have' to do anything.

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  random said:

I say ban all you little *ahems* that where there and involved. Whats to say Mr x has part and Mr y come along and does it there again.

Also you 18...not many 18 years old are living in there own place so more than likey your living back in with your mumy (take that as you please) and dady so mayeb you should of though about protecting there stuff on the pc.

Guys you've no respect for this place or the memebers on here. You need to be shown the door or banned for ever and you isp's blocked and noted.

Sorry my veiw

Pete :(

just to point out I've had my own place since I was just turned 18.

But I agree, not enough respect is being shown for this forum. I don't post very often, but read most of them, lots are really good posts but the stupid ones seem to be increasingly growing!

Just my opinion, but we all should show this place alot more respect!

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i'm sorry to keep this thread going for ages, but earlyier today i went on my msn to find out that i had received a e-mail from "onzaboymark" that explained that i was going too be moved to be a full member and that all of my worn is going to be moved. I found this a little strange at the time and accepted it and sent Mark a email back saying "i'm glad we got this sorted(sort of)" or something along those lines. however when i was out riding tonite i found out that ross (ross_uk) has used onzaboymarks email address on a annomous email program to send too me. when i found this out i was pissed off with ross a lot. since ross has been a member he has posted nothing but to cause people trouble and most of the time is annoying, rude , abusive and useless.

here is a screen shot of the e-mail that was sent as proof.


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Also, I wouldn't have put "cheers" after my incorrectly written username, and also I would've used punctuation more, and I can spell 'feel' ;)

Nice try though, eh ;)

Didn't bother waiting to hear from his side of the story this time...

I got your e-mail earlier and didn't really know how we'd sorted it, but didn't reply at the time, waiting to check out the situation first. Probably a good thing (Y)

  flipkickbs said:

Whats nice one ian supposed to mean? :blink:

Snappel's name is Ian?

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  Onzaboymark said:


I got your e-mail earlier and didn't really know how we'd sorted it, but didn't reply at the time, waiting to check out the situation first. Probably a good thing (Y)

I felt like a rite tit when i realised i sent you a e-mail that you would no nothing about.

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  trialsboy560 said:

Can you get rid of Pete while your at it? I really really hate him for some reason (Y)

Ahem have you ever met me, ever had a conversation with me, tried to be adult with me, not self centered and all higly hollyer than now??

No, No, No, No and oh erm no!

Reason you hate me is just due to my personal reasons of not wanting to prove and show everything #:ie disclosing and there are legal reason for such actions of that not happning. If you wan't to start figuring out why, then you maybe should go consolodate with a certan Uk importer..oh and before anyone says it No it's not anyhting to do Mike Poyzer or his company. I'm really impressed with his work and admire him and i like his stye of thing and i have requests to put to him of my own ideas. So look and think eles where.

Many of Trials-Forums memebers are getitng to up them selfs and thinking there 110% better than the rest. You might be at rididng but it's about having a laugh when your out on the bike and here it's about helping others, asking questions, showing off a new trick you done, part or bike, ideas you got etc. Not bitching.

Think Tf has the higest bitch counter around of any forum, betterstill any chat room yet it's still on going.

I don't know if i have this right or wrong but i swear TF is down more for cleaning up that it ever has been and not just to the x amount of members but the x amount of crap thats posted, talked about.

Tf is great and was really great. I'd like to stay as great as it once was and it to be more helpfull to new comers to our sport. Wether they ride mod stock 24'' even a full front sused up street bike. If they ride there in, if there thinking of it and wana learn more, there in.

TF is like a house. A house with a family. Were all borthers somehow and we all talk and stuff here. Don;t say were not as all you have to do is go and think back otthe loss of one our best friends and very talented person and all came out to say bye to our friend and prove that were toghter and what not. If you still get what im going on about DJ might make you gears speed up a we bit!

Pete Wright

Edited by Onzaboymark
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  Kiss said:

is there any way of actually proving that it was ros_uk???

Getting him to admit it would prove it i would have thought. But i say everyone should just leave this thread, or it should at least be closed!

Yours... Hoot! (Y)

Edited by Hoot
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yeah steve said that it is still being talked of. i think that it has swung in favour of the innocent (joe) because all his warn has been removed. also ross_uk sent an email using an email account creater thing using onzaboymarks email address. the email said that joe had been validated (Y)

wonder what will happen to ross_uk........ :blink:

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  random said:

TF is like a house. A house with a family. Were all borthers somehow and we all talk and stuff here. Don;t say were not as all you have to do is go and think back otthe loss of one our best friends and very talented person and all came out to say bye to our friend and prove that were toghter and what not. If you still get what im going on about DJ might make you gears speed up a we bit!

Pete Wright

No your a shit in genral no ive never met you just you never make constructive comments, (ok sometimes) but all the rest you talk is noncence! you just chat a load of crap an i dont wanna hear it.

What has DJ gotta do with this?

Yea lots of great frinds come out of this site but you arnt going to be 1 of those sorry mate

your sincerly

Michael Philip Simpson

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Michael Philip Simpson if you have any sense you'd go back and read that and understand it. Work collegs have read it as tf is always on out homaepage settings at work. They aint on tf and as involved a ssome yet they got the point and knew the point with DJ in there! (Y)

Oh and dude am i aksing for your friendship...nope. If i was i'd offer my ass hole for you unlubricated but thats nether here nor there let alone the case! you just a number to me mate of someone on a forum. End of

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