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monkey gav

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The thing about sponsership is you have to be totally amazingly wicked rider i would advise someone like Travis online to get sponsered as he is a complete legend and can challenge chai who is sponsered by Viz (i think) so get best in your county then thinks about sponspership

nothing wrong with getting free stuff though! (Y) anyone have any pads that i could *test* lol

Edited by pissin_on_the_fence
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Best at what though? Boon's got a raft of sponsors at the moment which pretty much covers him bike-wise, and he's not the "best" at sidehopping, tapping or comps in the country, is he?

It's about the complete package too. If you're a good rider but you get on really well with everyone and can get people interested in your product without you looking like a numpty (just putting a shitload of web addresses at the start/end of a video isn't enough (Y)), then you stand a pretty good chance of small-time sponsorship from people. Complete twats aren't useful for selling products, don't forget.

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